The Search

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Hey,Readers! I'm sorry for the loooooooooong wait, but I've been sick. Like sick as in bed ridden barely can walk or type sick :P. Again, I deeply apologize for my absence. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 18, ENJOYYYYY!


I woke up with a clustraphobic feeling. I was gasping for air, beads of sweat falling down my face. I looked around, and felt at ease. I was back at Fairy Tail in the infirmary, the sun barely peeking through the curtains of the window.  I took a deep breath and sighed.

I know where Lucy is, and I'm finally gonna get her back.

I jumped out of bed, and a stinging feeling on my body arose. I pressed my hands against the bandages on my chest firmly. Apparently, I was injured almost critically when Lisanna threw me against the wall. But I passed the pain away and walked out the door.

"Romeo!" I called out. The eighteen year-old came running up the stairs at my command. "Yeah, Natsu-sama?"

"I need you to call Erza, Wendy, Gajeel, Levy, Artemis, and Gray to my office immediately."

"Yes, Natsu-sama!" As Romeo ran to call the others, I walked over to my office. I sat in the chair and waited patiently for them. My mind travelled back to my dream last night, in my dreams. I could still remember the warmth of Lucy's warmth on my body on my own. I gently pressed my hand against my bare chest and sighed. "I'll get you back, Luce. I swear," I whispered.

Then, Romeo and the others came into  my office. "What is it, Natsu?" Gray asked. I stood up from my chair and took a deep breathe for a minute. "I believe I have found a way to return Lucy to us."

Levy and Artemis's face lit up. "You have!"

I nodded. "They were able to contact  me in my dreams. Apparetnly, there's a tunnel system that leads to them. One of the entries is underneath  Lucy's old apartment. You six and I myself will go in and get her, before anything goes wrong."

"Today is Lucy's birthday. Why would they want to take her today?" Artemis asked.

"Because Aurora's Tears isn't just a day where random stars fall on earth," I explained. "It's a period of time when the Spirit World is open to any wizard who wishes to enter."

Artemis's eyes were wide with fear. "Wh...what? That's impossible!"

"Not today it isn't,"  I said. The room was silent. Nothing could be said. But it was Levy who broke the silence. "So what do we do?"

"We'll go off to Lucy's old apartment complex. There's a tunnel system under ground, and that leads to the enemy."

"Then what are we waiting for?! LET'S GET LUCY!" Gajeel roared. Everyone cheered with along. I loved the enthusiasm. "Get all your things and meet me in front of the guild. Only Artemis and I know exactly what we're dealing with, so be well prepared."

"Yes, Master!" They all answered. They all left my office, leaving their enthusiasm in the room. I sighed. I grabbed my black vest, which was all I needed. I haven't worn this exact black vest since Lucy left. I wrapped it around my body, but felt something fall out of the pocket. I looked down to see some piece of paper. I picked it up and examined it. It was a picture of Lucy and me; Lucy at age seventeen and me being eighteen. Her arms were wrapped around my neck, smiling her sweetest smile, while I had the most foolish smile in the world. I smiled and gently pressed my fingers against the picture of  Lucy. "I'll bring you back, Lucy. I promise."

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