So Far, yet So Close

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Hey, Readers!!!!!!! So, guess what? DO you wanna know? Do you REALLY want to know? Fine, here's my news: THERE WILL BE A SECOND BOOK~! Yes, it all came to me just last night, and I was thinking ".....HOLY SHIT I"VE GOT IT!!!!!!" So yeah.....Im smart like that. Lol Anyhoo, here's chapter 16, ENJOOOYYYYY!!


Probably for the first time in forever, Lucy wasn't the one with the strange dream.

I was no longer in the hotel we were staying at. Instead, i was in what looked like...a fortress. The walls were made out of a black marble, and there were pictures on the wall. Pictures of dragons spitting fire and humans trying to slay them. I shivered just by looking at them. "Natsu...," I heard someone whisper. "Na..tsu."

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I called out.

"Come...closer," the voice whispered. I didn't know what to do but just follow the voice. I was feeling a little nervous, my urge to attack raising. Finally, I reached a black onyx throne that gave off some kind of aura. A familiar aura. "Ah, there you are," A familiar voice called out from above. I looked up and gasped. Descending from above was none other than Igneel, my long lost foster father. "I...Ig..Igneel!"

"Aha! My son!" Igneel cried. "It has been long since we met, has it not!"

"Long? it's been over twenty years!"

"I know, and for that I apologize," he smiled, his fangs sticking out. Suddenly, having no control of myself, I ran up to him and gave him a bear hug. Tears spilled down my eyes as I felt his arms around mine. "I've always wondered....why you left me when I need you most..." I whispered, crying deeply into his scaley chest.

"I know, Natsu. There is so much I have to explain to you in such little time."

"Like what?" I asked, lifting my head from Igneel's chest.

"About Aurora's Tears." Igneel flew over to the black throne and sat on it. I walked closer to him, a little confused. "Do you know anything about Aurora's Tears?"

"Kind of. I know that rainbow stars fall from the sky."

"Those aren't rainbow stars, Natsu," Ignees told me. I looked up at him, even more confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Those rainbow stars you talk about are fragments from the Celestial World. For that moment of time only, anyone, and I mean anyone, can enter the Celestial World."

"Are you serious?" I gasped.

"Very. And sadly, the Heartfilia twins play a major role in Aurora's Tears. The eldest especially."  Igneel said, slowly shaking his head. My eyes went wide as I realized that it was Lucy he was talking about. "What does Lucy have to do with this!"

"It is her power that is the key to what they desire," Igneel said.

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Those who have been attacking you. Lucy is at risk of loosing her life."

"What!" I screamed, my voice echoing through out the halls. I fell to my knees, loosing all feeling. "No....I can't loose Lucy...not again."

I could hear Igneel sigh. "I know your love for this woman burns bright, but in order for her to live, you must protect her with everything you've got."

"What do I have, Igneel!" I cried. "I don't even know what can I do anymore!"

"Ah, but you can do so much more than you could ever do.You're evolving."

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