A Sister Forgotten; A Friendship Lost

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Hey, Readers!!! I want to make something clear: THIS IS PURE NALU! IT MAY SEEM LIKE NALI, BUT IT IS DEFINETLEY NALU!!! I AM ANTI-NALI!!!! Lol Anyhoo, here's Chapter 6, ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I woke up hours later; probably around ten in the evening. I slowly opened my eyes to see the room dark; not a single speck of light was seen. Damn, I got knocked out, I yawned in my head. I see Happy sleeping on the other couch, curled up next to a fish shaped pillow. I try to get up, but something is preventing me from doing so. I look to see it's Lisanna laying on my couch, grinning like a fool in her sleep. I chuckled softly. She actually looks cute when she sleeps.  I slowly move her to where she is comfortable on the couch. Suddenly, I hear knocking on the door. I walk up and open the door, seeing a group of children. They all bow and said in unison, "We're sorry to disturb you."

"No problem, kids. 'Wassup?" I asked.

"Is this girl a friend of yours?" A little girl asked.

"Girl?" I asked. The group of kids began to part away, and a girl appeared in between them.

That girl was Lucy.

"Lucy!" I cried. I rushed by her side and examined her. She was bruised all over her body, and it looked a if she had used magic. She was groaning in pain, making me worry. "Thank you for bringing her."

The kids gave me another respectful bow and rushed off, probably not wanting be a part of this. I picked her up and rushed her to Aditi's guest room. I gently laid her down and yelled, "Lucy! Are you alright?"

She groaned a little and slowly opened her eyes. I sighed with relief. She tried to get up, but winced from the pain she was probably feeling. "Lucy, what happened? Where's Aditi?" I asked frantically.

She weakly smiled. "My assumptions were right. She was lying; she made up the whole job request just to get to me."

Oh my God. So she was right? "Why didn't you yell for me? You wouldn't be in this mess?"

"You were...busy." She said silently, avoiding eye contact when she said that. At first, I didn't understand what she meant, but then my heart rate dropped when I figured it out.

She saw the kiss.

"Oh..." I said silently. It was quiet in the room for a while, until Lucy broke the silence. "I killed her."

"Y-You did what?!" I exclaimed.

"I killed her." She said. "With my magic."

"Was she that big of a threat?" I asked. "Was Aditi that dangerous?"

"Her real name was Arachnolia. Spider Magic." She shuddered at the mention of the word "spider". Suddenly, tears began to stream down Lucy's face. "L-Lucy? What's wrong?"

"Someone is after me. I don't know why, but apparently they did something so horrible to make sure they could get me." She cried softly.

'What's that?" I asked urgently. She cried softly for a minute, but soon took a deep breathe.

"They made me forget my twin sister."

Later that night, when everyone was awake, Lucy began tell her tale. We all sat in the living room, waiting for her to talk. "Her name was Liora. We were only two minutes apart; me being the oldest. When we were little, we did was twins normally did: played pranks, ate together, sleep together. We were absolutley insperable." I could sense a hint of sorrow in Lucy's voice, which made me depressed as well. "We only had two differences: she was into Drawing Magic, and I was into Celestial Spirit magic. We were both so interested in this that we would go to the library everyday and research it."

"What was the second difference?" Happy asked.

This made Lucy chuckle. "I was interested in writing and singing; expressing beauty through the voice. She was interested in acting and dancing; expressing beauty through the body.We would performe plays for Mama and Papa everyday, making them laugh or cry." Tears began to fall down her face more. "On our seventeenth birthday, something strange happened. Someone attacked the main house, kidnapping my sister. Both Papa and I were depressed of the whole thing, so I set out to look for her, desprate of finding my other half. I don't know how, but my memory got....mixed up. I completley forgot about Liora, and began searching for Fairy Tail instead. It was on that exact day that...."

"You and I met...." I finished her sentence. "So the day we met-?"

"Was by accident." She nodded, her voice quivering. Happy covered Lucy with a wool blanket, and she gave it a tight grip. "I want my sister. I need my sister." I walked over to her side and held her tightly. "We'll find your sister. Together." I promised her.

Suddenly, she pushed me away, shaking her head. "I can't."

I stared at her. "What do you mean you can't? We can just go right now and search for her."

"While I was unconscious, a woman told me I had to wait until my magic was fully tamed. I was luck this time when I fought against, but if I use it again without taming it....bad stuff will happen."

"So let me get this straight: you'd rather listen to a stranger in your head who's telling you not to save your sister than go with us, your friends, and save your sister!" I yelled.

"You haven't been the greatest lately, Natsu!" Lucy screamed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I yelled.

"Natsu, Lucy. Just call down." Happy said, flying infront of Lucy.

"You know what, you're right, Happy. This isn't worth it." Lucy sneered, not looking at me in the eye. She got up and began to walk away. God, I was so angry. How could she be trusting this person in her dreams instead of me! Apparently, I was so angry, I had the nerve to yell, "Do you even love your sister!"

This made Lucy stop and look at me; her eyes wide with shock. "What did you just say?"

"What am I saying? She probably has given up on you! She's probably ashamed of you. And if she found out that her own twin didn't want to save her, imagine how disappointed she'll be!" I yelled.

At that moment, Lucy slapped me hard. My right cheek began to sting, but I was too shocked.

Lucy had actually slapped me. I looked at her in the eye and saw anger in her eyes, but not just anger.

I also saw sadness as well. Tears were streaming down her face. "I hope those words were worth saying. Because not only have you lost my trust, but you've also lost my friendship as well."

And with that, she stormed off, slamming the door. I could feel my body shaking, but I didn't know why. "Natsu...what have you done?"

"He didn't do anything, Happy! It's that girl's fault for not wanting to help her sister!" Lisanna defended me, squeezing my hand tightly.

But she was wrong, and Happy was right.

I had done something.

Something terrible.

I had destroyed a friendship.

A great, true friendship that I never wanted end.

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