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the next day, scaramouche dragged his feet through the front gate. he really didn't want to be here as he had a burning fever (it was probably from not drying his hair before sleeping last night). he sighed, regretting the past lies he made to his mum about being sick. now he had to go to school.

he collapsed into his seat about half an hour before the bell would ring. 'great, an opportunity to put my head down,' he thought as he put his head on top his hands, on the table.

"yo, little guy," kazuha said. he stood there for half a minute, waiting for scaramouche's reply. after about 30 seconds, he shrugged and sat in his seat. kazuha looked at scaramouche, waiting to see if he would react. 'that's weird.. he usually yells at me or something..' kazuha thought. 

scaramouche hadn't even heard kazuha as he was just focusing on the throbbing pain in his temples. 

"good morning class, i will now mark the roll," the teacher said. 


the bell rang for morning tea to begin and scaramouche slammed his head back onto the table, this time without his hands to cushion it. childe, who was at the doorway rushed in. 

"kid. kid. scara," he said frantically, trying to get him up.

"bitch shut up, i literally just have a headache," scaramouche said. 

childe touched his forehead and just stared at him with disapproving eyes. 

"just a headache motherfucker you have a fever, go home," childe said.

scaramouche just shook his head and grabbed a chocolate bar from his bag.

as scaramouche was going to bite into the chocolate bar, it was knocked out of his hand. he looked up at the source of the nuisance.

"hey you! you think your so full of yourself just cuz your part of the fatui? you are just a short kid, just like the new kid says," the boy said.

scaramouche had never seen this person before, but he didn't feel the need for a fight so he just said, "ok, but at least buy me a new chocolate bar." 

the boy scoffed and walked away.

scaramouche rolled his eyes, head still throbbing as childe left to go to his class.

kazuha just watched from the corner.


kazuha tapped the boy on the shoulder.

"hi, what's your name? i haven't talked to you yet," kazuha said, faking a smile.

"i'm jonathan. by the way, how did you know that scaramouche was the weakest of the fatui? i never knew until you called him fandango haha," the boy said.

kazuha just smiled before sitting back into his seat. jonathan. he will regret introducing himself to kazuha.


it was finally lunch. scaramouche smiled, walking through the corridors to get to the cafeteria.

"scara, hurry and-" scaramouche heard signora yell before he was being dragged by the back of his collar.  


note: hi everyone i was like super lazy to post today and yes. i slept for like 3 hrs last night cuz like i was rereading here u are for the 27468282 time pls but like

baal hot. pls step on me.

anyways theres not much of a kazuscara interaction here but i promise there will be more next time.

also if ur name or u know someone called jonathan well sorry cuz ik a jonathan and hate him so :p


edited - 11/07/21

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