Pierce The Veil: What Kind Of Boyfriend He'd Be

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Vic'swasa *bit* rushed, I'msosorry. Imightrewriteitintime, though, soyay! ButIapologizeifhisisjustcrappy. :/



Mike Fuentes:The Romantic One: I have a feeling under that not-give-a-damn and carefree personality and a killer smile is a big, mushy core of sensitivity and romance for his girl. He's the kind of boyfriend who will send you a text with something sweet, or a reason why he loves you. He's the type that text you morning, noon, and night when he's thinking about you. He'll put little notes all around the house about reasons why he loves you. He'll give you gifts just because, and learn a new song you like to sing to you, or because the song reminds him of you. Leaving for tour is very, very difficult for him. He's so wrapped up in your relationship and losing you, that it nearly makes him have a breakdown. It never gets easier, it makes it harder for him. He shouts his love from the tops of mountains, although he was slow to show his love at first. To him, you are the sun, the moon, and the stars. He's the kind of boyfriend to stay awake with you until the early morning hours talking about soul mates, love, and the future together. He'll spend hours on the phone with you if you're upset, or just miss him, even if he hasn't slept for multiple days. On tour, he sends you tons of videos, pictures, and souvenirs. He couldn't stop even if he wanted to. Once that simple "I love you" for the first time..that was it. A door opened inside him, and you became a permanent part of him. You two share your life together, you have a unique unbreakable bond, that will even be there if you break up for some reason. Love from a Romantic like Mike is a love that will last forever.

Vic: The CuddlyKind: . Most of the time, Vic is very touchy and clingy, but in a cute, adorable way. He'd love to cuddle you a lot at night and leaking into the early morning, and he LOVES to curl up with you whevever he can. He would constantly stare at you with puppy dog eyes that made you give into him. At first glance, no one would guess he'd be the kind of guy who likes to snake his arms around your waist when you're talking and press his nose to your neck just because he wants your attention. He likes to slide his fingers inbetween yours when you're walking down the street together. He just likes the feel of your skin, how it's soft and smooth and warm and comforting. He wants you to feel his deep, unconditional love without the fancy restaurants and expensive gifts. He can get relatively moody, but once he feels your reassuring touch, he'll fall back into his cuddly state, whispering his problems into your skin and you listen with him in your arms.

Jaime: The jealous, protective, Insecure one: I think Jaime would be the boyfriend to get very jealous over other guys. In a way, Jaime knows people say he is the ugliest and most hated, stubborn, of the band but that's not the case. (A/N really quick: IF YOU SAY THAT ABOUT JAIME I'M GONNA HIT YOU SO HARD YOU GONNA WAKE UP WITH AMNESIA, JAIME IS FRIGGING GORGEOUS DAMN. but, anyways, continue c:) In his eyes, you are perfection, so when he sees you with another guy, he can't help but get really nervous and go over and wrap an arm around you, smiling, and kissing your cheek or temple. Any guy who looks at you sexually or cat calls you, he stares them down and holds you protectively. Although he tries to conceal it, it is pretty obvious when he's jealous or protective. He always has a problem when you say guys are hot, he feels like a mere weakling compared to them. I have a feeling under all that gorgeous and hard-headed stubborness, is a huge core of pure insecurities that you help fix. He'd believe the rumors you're cheating because supposedly he's ugly. He tries to hide his feelings, but you are able to see through them easily. In bed, he'd like for you to hold him instead of him hold you. When he's in your arms, he feels truly loved and all his insecurites go down the drain and he feels whole. When he's touring, he makes sure to text, call, and skype you every night. He get's you little teddy bears from every place he visits while he's away to bring back and shower you in.

Tony Perry: The strong, quiet one: Tony's love for you is much more concealed than the other boys'. He's more of a private lover, but that doesn't mean he loves you any less. You can he loves you by the way he looks at you. When your eyes met those big brown ones, it was pure magic, much better, more real than any words you can think of. Love and adorance was practically written in his eyes whenever he looked at you. He seen your insecurities and feelings clearly, and treated them gently, seriously, and caringly. He'd always tell their fans to be nice to you and stood up for you when anyone hurt you. To him, you are fragile like rose petals and he'd do anything in his power to protect your beauty, but sometimes he did get a little overboard. He'd wrap an arm around your waist in public and stare down any guy who looks your way. He wouldn't want anyone to look at you in public because you were his. In bed, he'd always cling onto you tightly, wanting you to feel safe and loved. He'd write you cute, personal songs because writing was the only way he could tell you how much he loved you. When he's on tour, he'll always send you cute messages, and he'd always call you, every night he's away. He'd always write letters to you. You have messages and notebooks full of love notes. On skype or facetime, he'd always hang on your every word and pay close attention because he loves you so much and every memory of you is very, very special to him.


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