Austin Carlile- Five Bites.(Trigger Warning)

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(A/N: Trigger Warning: Mentions Of an Eating Disorder. & it's also pretty short, i apologize.

~"Your" perspective~

The spaghetti and meatballs piled on your glass plate made you feel sick. To most, it just looks like a plate of delicious noodles, smothered in marinara sauce, with three meatballs.

To you, it looked like an enemy. You didn't see spaghetti, you seen calories and more fat on your stomach.

You sighed deeply, pushing around your food with your fork. Your boyfriend of sometime now, looked at you sadly from across the table as he wiped his mouth with a napkin. He knew about your past troubles with your weight, your battle with eating disorders, and the hell you went through with them.

"Is there something wrong?" Austin asked quietly, causing you to snap back into reality.

"Hmm?" you hummed out before sitting up and placing your fork down. "Uh, no. Nothing is wrong. I'm just not hungry." You looked at your lap and played with the hem of your sweater.

Austin sighed a bit before pushing back in his chair, and moving to the seat next to you. He smiled softly and took your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles.

"Hey, come on," he urged. "You've been doing so well lately. Remember, you have a goal weight to get to?" You nodded. You knew what he was talking about. The two of you set up a goal weight for you to reach by Thanksgiving. It was one-hundred-twenty pounds, a healthy weight for your frame.

You swallowed thickly.

"I'll help you. Just five bites, and then we can cuddle and watch your favorite movies, or go for a walk in the park."


Austin nodded and used his free hand to pick up your fork, collecting up on noodles on it. With shaky hands, you took it from him and placed the food in your mouth, the flavor dancing across your taste buds. You chewed and swallowed, chasing it down with another forkful. Austin gave you a wide, white smile, rubbing your shoulder.

You finished your five bites a couple minutes later, with a deep sigh and small smile. Were you going to have regrets later? Probably. Were you proud of yourself? Yeah, you were.

Austin pulled her into a firm hug, kissing her temple. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered.

You hugged him back tightly.

And you knew, with Austin by your side, you'd get to your ideal weight. No matter what.


This one was EXTREMELY short and i deeply apologize on that. It's been hectic lately. Hah. But i hope you enjoyed, and i do have a question for you all!

Do you think i should make just a band imagine story for other bands like My Chemical Romance, Beartooth, Sleeping With Sirens, All Time Low, Asking Alexandria, etc.?

Thank you!

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