Make Me Feel Loved ~ Tony Perry Imagine for Page [[Track_Babe_18]]

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REQUEST: I could you write me a PTV imagine for tony perry? Hair brown eyes brown skin tan accent Boston and self harm mixed with a little bit of smut please

(A/N: Hopefully this isn't too big of a deal but my friend Rachel wrote about half of the self-injury part and all of the smut. I was having troubles writing it for some odd reason. Anyways, Enjoy! If you don't like it, or notice something is wrong, please don't hesitate to point it out! Also, I will re-write the smut soon. Neither one of us are super expirenced in writing smut. At all.)

Word Count: 1,633

*Trigger-Warning**Smut Warning*


~Tony's Perspective.~

I awoke to a cold, dark bedroom.

According to my alarm clock it was late, a little over four in the morning to be exact. I swung my tattooed arm behind me, searching for the familiar soft skinned, warm body that should've been beside me. Instead, my hand came in contact with silk sheets and air. There was no indication she was ever there. The sheets were still cold, and there was no imprints in our memory foam mattress.

Sighing, i took in the silence that filled the room.

I knew she's been really busy with her job as an actress and working on a new movie as the leading role. From what she's told me, it's a really tough job to keep up with. It rests a lot of stress upon her shoulders and takes a lot of her time. Her director probably made her stay late to re-record a scene or something and she probably fell asleep there.

Rolling out of bed, i licked my dry lips, and walked the way of the bathroom to take a piss before going back to sleep. The cold air stung my bare legs and chest. I only slept in my boxers now; I left the whole 'sleeping naked' thing once Page moved it. It's a little bit...awkward to wake up with a bare ding-ding pressed against your lower back.

I yawned a looked at the floor as i walked, a little bit confused to see the bright, yellow light seeping out from under the door.

I thought I turned that off, I thought. Or maybe she just got home?

I walked up to the door, prepared to knock with my knuckles resting against the door. I was going to ask her if she was alright before i heard it; A loud, slightly muffled sob and big, deep breaths. I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion, concern seeping into my veins, and pushed the door open, letting it creak loudly. The sudden harsh light made me squint and rub my eyes.

When my eyes adjusted to the light, I found a speechless Page, her back pushed up against the edge of our white bathtub. Her legs laid spread out limply in front of her as she peered up at me, tears running down her cheeks. On her fingers, red liquid dropped, a shiny piece of metal gripped firmly between her fingertips. Raw, crimson red blood created a pool on her wrist, lines of it running down her arm and dribbling onto the tiled bathroom floor.

I swallowed before whispering her name a bit breathlessly, shocked from the sight in front of me. I ran over to her, dropping to my knees and cupping her wet, puffed up cheeks in my hands. She took a deep breath and shook her head slowly as fresh tears fell from her brown eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry." She cried out, her Boston accented voice sounding hoarse from all the crying. She hung her head in shame, her brown hair making a veil to hide her face. I thought for a brief moment, searching for the right sentence to say to the broken girl in front of me.

"Shh," I said softly so I didn't trigger her more. "It's alright, It'll be okay, You'll be okay. Let's just clean this up, alright?" I shot her a soft smile, hoping to calm her down and assure her of my words. I carefully picked up the reddened blade from her fingers and placed it on the edge of the tub. I stood up and left, only to return a moment later carrying the first-aid kit Page insisted be inside the house.

I mirrored the same position in front of her that i was previously in, and picked up her clean arm, placing her hand on my chest.

"Breath along with me," I ordered gently, breathing in and out deeply. I poured Hydrogen Peroxide on the wounds as she tensed up and fought the urge to pull her arm away. She continued to count my heartbeats out loud, and eventually her wrists were cleaned and neatly bandaged.

I stood up once more, helping her stand, and leading her into the bedroom. I pulled out one of my over-sized shirt for her to sleep in. I turned around and listened to the ruffling of clothing as she shed her jeans and changed her t-shirt. Afterwards, i placed her dirty clothing in the very bottom of the hamper; It wasn't right for her to have to see her own blood in the morning.

I sat down on our bed with her, pulling her onto my lap. She laid her arms around my neck and rested her chin on my shoulder. I hummed quietly in her ear and traced small circles along her hips before she finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with me, Tony." She whispered, nudging my cheekbone with her nose. "I just-" she bit her lip, her chin quivering. "I want to feel loved."

I frowned a bit, closing my eyes. "Baby, you are loved." I said softly, peppering little kissed down her neck. "I love you, Your family loves you, your fellow workers all love you, the fans love you, the guys all love you. Everyone."

She tilted her head to the side and shuddered a little bit. "Tony...?"

"Hmm?" I hum out against her neck.

"Make me feel loved."

I pull my head up and lock my eyes with her beautiful, big brown eyes, smiling a bit.

I run my thumb across her cheekbone, leaning in to press my lips against her soft ones. Her hands pull my head closer, fingers tangling in my hair.

My rough, calloused hands brushed her skin as I pulled her shirt up and over her head. Goosebumps rose to attention, and a shiver ran down her spine from what I guessed to be anticipation.

I dipped my head down, trailing my lips down her jawline then neck; searching for the sensitive spot that hid just above the center of her neck.

A small, almost inaudible  gasp fell from her lips as i finally found it. I smirked against her skin and sucked on the delicate piece of skin, marking her as mine with a deep, purple love bite.

*still editing down there vv: Please Be Patient.*

She trailed her hands down my back, scraping her nails lightly: a sign to hurry my actions up.
Her hips pushed up to grind against the bulge in my boxers. I groaned, and grinded my hips back agaisnt hers,  rougher.

He pulled back and stared into her eyes as he slipped his hands under her back, unhooking her bra and slipping it off. A blush painted her cheeks as he kneaded her breasts, pinching occasionally, and he smiled. A loud moan erupted from her throat suddenly as his lips found their way to her perky nipples, sucking and biting harshly. She whimpered, and he licked and sucked softly in apology.


She slid off of him and curled into his chest; struggling to regain her breath. His arm draped around her body tightly, as if something would come and steal her away from him. He smiled softly and looked down at her, adorance flashing in his eyes.

"I love you." He whispered quietly, getting an exhausted, 'Mhm' in return.



Please ask to use this imagine/borrow it if you're going to. c:

Half-credit goes to Rachel, who really needs to make a Wattpad account like now.

okie bai x

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