Manansalsa ~ Phil Manansala Imagine for @StumpysFedora

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This said it uploaded two weeks ago??? I don't even know, Wattpad, stop being a dickhole plz and thankies. Anyways! I'm back fireflies! I'm planning to get all requests done by Monday, that is my goal. Anyways, dear Jenna, I'm sorry I didn't get this done sooner. Everyone, I demand you follow this girl because she's absolutely amazing. Kay? Kay. Go. Now. Follow. Her. Anyways, I tried a new writing style, and if you don't enjoy it, I'll rewrite it for you! <3

(Kinda short, my apolgozies!)

Word Count: 

Request: Well, hi! I was just thinking about one where we're best friends & when we're hanging @ my place & cooking (I wanted to use a pun: Manansalsa.) XD when we get into a food fight. We go through that for about ten minutes and then he asks me out. The rest is up to you. I know it's short, but I'm at school and I don't want people looking over my shoulder to see what I'm typing. And thanks for asking! <3 

  bright blue-grey/almost white eyes, and I'm average human height. I've been wanting a Phil one-shot, but if you're busy, I understand. And if you write it, could it be fluffy? Thanks bunches!!

(P.s: I do have a Phil fluff for you too-)


~ Jenna's Perspective ~

Giggling, I tied the two strings into a neat bow behind Phil's neck, and then copying my actions behind his back. When i finished, I went in front of him to admire my handy work. No, before you ask, this is not some kind of kinky foreplay. I am simply tying a neon pink apron that had "KISS THE MASTER CHEF" written in pretty, white cursive that belonged to my mother so it would stay up on Phil. 

You see, he was over at my - or rather my parent's- home for our annualish "video game night randomness' that we had once every two and a half months. Now, you might be asking why the 'ish' on the end of annual. That's because when Phil is touring with his band Of Mice & Men, we obviously can't have it annual. 

As for the neon pink apron I tied to him, it's because of  instead of ordering pizza or going out to a fast food place like Taco Bell or Burger King like we usually do, we agreed on attempting to make tacos for our late night snack. 

"So...we just cut this up?" Phil asked furrowing his eyebrows. "Like, we don't have to cook any meat or use the stove because I don't think you're mature enough.." He teased. 

I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him for a moment, walking to the fridge to pull out the container of Taco meat my mom made last night. I told her about our cooking plans, and she decided to do the things that could possibly kill us. 

Thanks, mom.

While I was still in the fridge, I proceeded to pull out some tomatoes, a ball of lettuce, some pre-shredded cheese, Mild Pace Salsa, Sour Cream, and a jar of pre-cut jalepeno peppers to put on our tacos. Luckily, Phil noticed my struggle to hold all those toppings in my arms and came to my side to take the sour cream, lettuce ball, and cheese out of my hands. 

I smiled at him, a small way of thanking him for helping me out. He returned my smile, and for a moment, we just stared at each other, smiling like idiots. I finally broke away and turned my gaze to the ground, a light shade of pink covering my cheeks.

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