All because of.. Peace Tea? (Alan Ashby Request From Emily [@thugpug4lyfeee])

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Request: Hey! Sorry if I'm being annoying haha but I'd like to request an imagine if you take them c: can I have an alan ashby one? My name is Emily and I have blue hair and blue eyes. Im pretty short and I'm the kind of person to make crappy jokes and stuff and laugh at them. I'm sweet, but if it comes to it, I get really angry and stand up for myself and others. If you need to know anything else, just tell me :D thanks and if you dont want to do it, you dont have to! Byebye c:

Here ya' go Emily! ^-^ I'm so, so, so, so, so, so super sorry that this was a couple days late! Things got slightly hectic and i didn't quite have time to post this (and grounding *sOBS*)! :P Hope you enjoy it   


Word Count: 2,571

& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 

 ~Alan Ashby's Perspective~

The heat of the bright California sun made my hair stick to my face and my exposed back burn. I decided to walk to the beverage store in neighty-nine degree weather, without any sunscreen or sunshades on me. 


Squinting from the harsh sunlight, i placed my hands on the door bar and pushed. Immediately, a refreshing blast of cool air greeted me, and a little 'jingle' of a small bell announced my arrival. I let the door fall close behind me as i looked around. 

It was a smaller store, no larger than a shoppette or gas station convenient store. It was brightly lit, mostly from the large windows on each wall. The floor was a clean, white tile, and the walls were white as well, only thumb-tacked to them were advertising posters for alcohol, cigarettes, and t.v. shows. There where nine shelving sections total, and those refrigerators, that you'd find in the food side of WalMart and Target, where lined against the back wall. Against the upper-left wall is where the Cash Register was, also where they sold the candy bars, beef sticks, magazines, and cigarettes. 

Small, but neat and clean. The workers here are usually pretty nice as well. 

I slightly stretched, walking to my personal favorite section, Isle Nine to be exact, witch consisted mostly of Energy Drinks like Redbull, Monster, Nos, Rockstar, and Full Throttle. Across from the right shelving unit - where the energy drinks are placed - is a whole section of tea. It ranged from Snapple, Peace Tea, Arizona Tea, Lipton, and some lesser known off-brands. As i strolled down the isle, i swiped a Monster Assault can. Monster Assault is my absolute favorite drink made by the Monster brand. It tastes so amazing, and gives me a better kick and boost than any other Monster drinks. Besides, the can is awesome looking. 

I heard the doorbell jingle, sounding much like a cat-collar bell. I watched the opening of the isle, watching as a younger, pale female with longish blue hair passed. I cocked my head to the side as if someone called as i watched her take a couple steps backwards and stare up at the sign. She threw her hands in the air slightly, and strolled down the isle. Our eyes met, and she flashed me a beautiful smile. I seen she had big, sparkly blue eyes, that i'd love just to stare into all day. 

Blue eyes are my downfall. 

Especially sparkly, doe eyes.

I slightly watched her more as she dropped the black backpack - Witch was decorated with pins of Supernatural, Falling In Reverse, Beartooth, My Chemical Romance, All Time Low, as well as DanIsNotOnFire, Jordan Sweeto, AmazingPhil and  Pewdiepie, whoever those people are - to the floor. 

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