Of Mice And Men ~ What Kind Of Boyfriend He'd Be

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Author's Note: Hello agaaain ^-^ It turns out i didn't die. (yaaay) but i do apologize for the being-a-douche-and-not-updating thing. Hah. Anyway, here is this one. :D It will be a bit like the Pierce The Veil one, it was hard coming up with different wording and stuff. Sorry! Plus today hasn't been a super wonderful day, so i wasn't feeling it as much. >.<


Austin: The Romantic; It's no secret Austin was a pure sweetheart. The kind of boyfriend who called, skyped, and texted all night with you, even if that meant playing a show or doing an interview with very little sleep. He'd leave little sticky-notes posted around the house of why he loves you, and sweet messages like how beautiful you are. Austin would text you Good morning and Good night, or whenever he felt like something was going wrong where you were. He'd love to shower you with small gifts like stuffed octopuses and various other animals, or little pieces of jewelry and accessories he knew you'd enjoy. He'd text you song lyrics of songs that remind him of you, and Snapchat you pictures of places he'd knew you like. Leaving to start a new tour is rather hard for him. He's worried you'll find someone better than him, or forget about him completely. He tries every way he can to get you to come along. Austin wasn't hesitant to show his love to you, he just let it all flow naturally.


Tino: The Crazy; I have a suspicion Tino would be the crazy kind of boyfriend. The kind who loves to take their girl on wild adventures, like Scuba Diving in the Barrier Reef, Sky-Diving, and Bungee-Jumping or Rock Climbing. I feel like he'd love to experience all of life's thrilling adventures with her. Tino would never put her in a situation where she wasn't comfortable or felt like she wasn't safe. He enjoyed hearing her laughter and yells of excitement and fear mixed together. He loved the big smile that usually was plastered against your face before, after, and during your wild adventures.


Alan: The Cuddler; Ah, Alan, our little ball of Ginger Princess filled with complete perfection. I feel as if Alan would be the cuddly boyfriend. The one who was in need for your attention as much as possible, and craved the touch of your soft, warm skin. He'd love to just curl up to you in bed or on the couch, or even sometimes in public. He loved wrapping his arms around you from behind and laying his head on your shoulder or on top of your head. On days he feels down, or stressed, he'd be extra cuddly because your touch made him feel better and his worries wash down the drain, even if it's for a few minutes. When he couldn't get your attention, he'd commonly interlock your fingers, or headbutt your shoulder affectionately. His clingy-ness did get annoying sometimes, but with those big eyes staring at you, it was hard not to give into him.


Aaron: The Strong; Aaron is a 'private lover.' He didn't love you less than the other boys loved their girlfriends, he just had a different way of showing it. He didn't feel the need to show a lot of PDA in public, or take you to fancy, expensive resturants every other night. He'd much rather hold-hands, and cook you a meal. You could tell from the way he looked at you, or talked about you to his family and friends, that he genuinely loved you more than words could describe. His kisses had so much passion thrown into them, even if they were simple pecks. He knew how you were feeling just by a simple glance, and treated your fears slowly and carefully. He'd absolutely LOVE to write personal songs for you and play them before you went to sleep. He'd never miss a day when he wouldn't text you while away on tour, and he always bought you little charms for bracelets and necklaces from every place he visited.


Phil: The Protective; I feel like Phil would be the protective kind of boyfriend. The one who cherished you more than anything else in the world, even his own life. He'd be the kind to hold you tightly when guys cat-called, whistled, or made suggestive- sexual actions towards you. He didn't stop you from hanging out with guys, he just preferred he was there, just so he knew that the guys knew you were his girl and his girl only. To him, you are an angel, a human being with so much perfection that you deserved to be protected. Phil is pretty good at concealing his jealousy in public, but you'd be able to tell he had a problem with something with his tight grip and the kisses placed on your temple, cheeks, lips, and behind the ear. It wasn't that he was insecure that you'd leave him, or you'd find someone better, it was the mere fact he needed people to know you were his. He was proud to say you're his girl.


Man, that was shit, i'm so sorry. >.<




Seriously, we should meet up if you are.

Aaand, Requests Open; Please ask permission if you'd like to use this preference. Feedback is appriciated.

<3 Lovee youuu <3

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