and into the fire

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The only thing that I could hear besides my terrified breaths, was his heartbeat, how it slowly would beat quieter and quieter as he gripped me harder, clinging to me as if I might go and feed myself to the goblins.

I could feel him shaking, his breaths are uneven. pulling away from me, his face pale, placing his hand on my face, I saw as his breaths calmed. He knew that this wasn't fake, He knew that I wasn't a figment, I was here, here in his arms, alive.

"Five, Six, Seven, Eight. Bifur, Bofur, that's ten. Fili, Kili, madilin. That's thirteen. Wheres Bilbo? Where is our hobbit? Where is our hobbit?!" Spinning around in a circle, his long finger jabbing at us as he counted again, gandalf slowly seemed to panic, his eyes wild and scared...Where was our hobbit?

Pulling away from him and looking around, back at the terrors from which we had left I felt a terrible weight in my gut, What if Bilbo hadent made it out? What if we did lose someone? Would we be able to go on without him? Would we even be able to give him justice, or would we be helpless, dirty, and scared, all alone?

"Curse that Halfling! Now he's lost?! I thought he was with Dori!" Gloin yelled out angrily, jabbing his finger at his friend in front of him.

"Don't blame me!" He yelled back childishly, His voice going up a level,"Well where did you last see him?!" The slow to anger, gandalf, asked Piquely, Jabbing his staff at the dwarf.

"I think I saw him slip away when the first collared us!" Nori yelled out, shrinking back once the large wizard looked him in the eye with a cold demenor,"What happened exactly? Tell me!"

Something about the Wizard this angry made me shiver. I had never seen him so mad as to have such a dark aura around him. Looking over to Fili to see what he thought of this, I saw him gazing over at Thorin with his face stone. He knew what this meant to him, he knew how his uncle felt about this particular halfling. Even though we all trusted him, Thorin still believed that this hobbit was nothing more than one... A jolly, routine-loving, hobbit.

"I'll tell you what happened!" Thorin shouted waking up to the wizard as if he was a foot taller than him," Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He's thought of nothin gbut his soft be and his warm hearth ever since he stepped out of his door, We will not be seeing our hobbit again, he is long gone!"

"thorin-" only stepping one foot out of where i stood, I felt filis hand on my shoulder pulling me back. Looking back at him I saw his sad face, Him and Kili had always liked the hobbit, and so had I, He was not just a burgler in our eyes, he was a friend, And he was gone. had it been the murderous Goblins or his mind, Bilbo Baggins had left.

"No, he isn't..."

Spinning around toward the trees from whence we came, I saw the one and only bilbo, sure he was dirty and his face, hands, and feet scratched and ripped up. Laughing and putting my hands up to my mouth in utter shock, I watched as Bilbo shyly walked to the middle of the group.

"Bilbo Baggins! Ive never been so glad to see anone in my life!" Gandalf laughed with his normal, shine back in his eyes.

"Bilbo, We'd given up on you!" Kili cried excitedly
"How on earth did you get out past the goblins?"Fili questioned with a smile gracing his face.

"How indeed?" Adad asked walking forward with his eyebrows raised slightly.

Laughing nervously and shoving his hands in his pocket, Bilbo shuffled in a timmid manor, odviously not wanting to answer this questions at the moment.

Throwing my hands up i the air and putting them back onto my hips I desided to save the poor man," Oh what does it matter? He's back now! And now we can leave! so lets leave this wretched place behind!"

Looking around I saw that everyone was silently nodding their heads in agreement, except for thorin who still wore his same old soul. Walking up to the hobbit, making him shrink, Thorin loudly asked," It matters! I want to know! Why did you come back?"

Standing up a little straighter and holding his head up a bit higher I watched intently for Bilbos reply.

"Look, I know you doupt me. I know... I know you always have. And your right, I often think of Bag End. I miss my books, and my warm arm chair, and my garden. See, that's where I belong, That is my home. And that's why I came back, cause you don't have one. A home. It was taken from you. But I will help take it back if I can..."

Standing frozen in my place, I watched as everyone looked down at the ground, A thick layer of sadness washed over us as we contemplated his speech. He was right... We didn't have a home, and we did need help...and I could tell that everyone was thankful for him... But yet thorin still held up his fraud, angering me and making me shoot a glare at him.

Finally raising all of our heads, I realized that everything was silent... Not only us but everything. Not a bird sang, not a blade of grass moved...Not even the wind stirred. whipping my head in every which way, I noticed everyone did the same.

Suddenly a loud, ugly cry cut through the silence, not a baby's cry, or a hurt animal... But the cry of a warg who has since found its prey. And there wasn't one but multiple of those cries.

Stummbling around and grabbing Filis hand in fear, I watched in horor as both gandalf and Thorin finished eachothers sentence.

"out of the Frying pan-"
"And into the Fire..."

Thank you so much for being so pacient, I found a period of time in this terrible move to write so I decided to do so and I am so happy I did. It may not be the best chapter but it is something. It was hard to write but I got it done! There will be more to come hopefully in the week coming up. Thank you for your pacience!
-Love Lillylubalu

Hey Also check out hayleyanrs story! It is about Bilbo Baggins's little sister Leo who is pushed into the adventure and is made to be their shepherd. NOW GO READ BEFORE BEORN GETS YA

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