The ruscabell rabits lead the way

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"The Greenwood is sick, Gandalf. A darkness has fallen over ut, nothing grows anymore. At least nothing good. the air is foul decay, but worse is the webs!" He was shaking, the poor wizard was like a leaf, a crazy, bird poop-filled wizard.

There he stood, Ratagast the brown shaking in his wake, the rabbits that drove him here very agitated. I could tell that everyone around me was also very nervous. Yet none of the others said a word as the two wizards conversated with each other. This was serious and it wasn't going to disperse any time soon.

inching my way over to adad to hear the conversation better. The forest all around us seemed as if it was alive, the trees swayed and the grass danced, and the eerie air stayed still as if it was trying to choke us. The foliage at our feet crunched silently under our feet, not daring to even make a noise for this conversation seemed too important to interrupt.

"Webs what do you mean?"
  "Spiders Gandalf. Giant ones. some kind of spawn of ungallant, or I'm not a wizard. I followed their trail. They came from Dol Guldur!"

"Dol Guldur? But the old fortress is abandoned."
     "No Gandalf it is not."

Feeling as If I was going to implode from the important conversation that meant nothing to me I walked over to a large boulder. running my hands over it, not caring that it was and looked uncomfortable.

Slumping down and closing my eyes I felt my small hand go numb, dizziness overtaking me. why was I feeling so cruddy all of the sudden? It felt as if my chest was being crushed yet again by the large, ugly trolls.

Groaning and rubbing the balls of my palm over my eyes I let out a soft groan.

Opening my eyes finally I saw fili standing over me concern dotting his face. Sitting next to me on the rock I tiredly leaned my head against his shoulder. "I am so tired Fili..."

I could see the worry that pulsated off of him...The feeling of dread...

I looked up my vision slightly blurry and I saw him, Fili looking down on me with large, slightly nervous, but full of love.

                                           FILI'S POV
Something was wrong, something was off, she was off...

and yet something was also wrong with me, my chest was pinched and I felt as if my entire body was on fire. My hands sweated as I clutched one of my knives as I tried to distract myself.

This was painful...Not physically...But I was in some sort of foreign pain...

The talking that was happening around me was just a blur the people around me merely blobs... Something was wrong.

Looking back down at her, as she was leaning more on me... She was asleep...yep. Every time that she leans against me it is sleep, why was she so tired?

Hearing the eerie howl of a warg, I just about jumped out of my skin. Flickering may head over in the direction of the company I saw the hobbit bilbo scared out of his wits.

"Was that a wolf? Are there.. are there wolves out there?"
Feeling the color leave my face I just about groaned in annoyance, "Wolves? No, that is not a wolf..."

Hearing a loud growl behind me I turned. On my six was a large black Warg with beedie black eyes staring at me and Madi.

Just about screaming like a little girl I grabbed the groggy, barely awake Madilin and ran her over to an area to protect her.

Clutching my shoulder as I attempted to protect her I heard her let out a deathly string of coughs.

Glancing down at her I realized that this was not the end, "Madilin, Look at me! There are Warg scouts here. you need to wake the hell up!"

Shaking her head harshly and ripping her sword from its scabbard and running forward, I just about fell over.

"Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind!"
"ORC PACK?!" I heard bilbo screech in fear

running over to Thorin Gandalf just about grabbing thorin, "Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?"

"No one."


"No one, I swear! What in Durin's name is going on?"

"You are being hunted."

The tension that the air held was heavy, I felt as if someone was dousing the air in soot.

"We have to get out of here!"Dwain yelled grabbing Madi's wrist and dragging her over in the direction where the horses were left. "We can't! We have no ponies. They bolted!"Ori yelled out

clearing his throat Radegast straightened up he looked confident and it honestly scared me.

"I'll draw them off!"
"These are Gundabad wargs. they will outrun you!"
"These are Rhosgobel rabbits. I'd like to see them try..."

This chapter took me so long to write I am so sorry and it wasn't my best. I just couldn't think, at all. I hope that this chapter wasn't too painful to read! I know that this was shorter than the rest but this is annoying! I tried to think! But I couldn't! UGH! please give me feedback on this. THE ONLY PERSON THAT HAS COMMENTED WAS hayleyanr, and OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU but people I just want all of you to step up... PLEEEASE I CANT GO ON!

Guys go follow hayleanyr and read her hobbit fanfic alive it is about bilbo Baggins's sister Leona Baggins. she is brought on the quest when stubborn Thorin finds out that he sucks at the direction and pulls his head out of his ass and asked her to join to be his and the company's shepherd.

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