the eagles decent

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Walking towards the vulnerable king, the homely orc had his sword raised at his side, the evidence of a scowl on his face. struggling to get to his blade, Thorin reached out his hand to grasp the sword at his side, yet it was just out of his reach. Lifting his heavy sword the orc with the scars brought it down gradually, smirking and laughing, finally delivering it with a purpose, the air around him turning cold, the sky bright with stars. I could feel a scream bubbling in my throat, yet in front of me, Bilbo stood up, bringing his feet to the end of a branch, he pulled himself up to his full height. jumping off of the tree and sprinting to thorin I let out a muted cry as he full-on tackled the orc to the ground.

Attempting to haul myself up to help the little hobbit, I only found myself stuck to branches and twigs, my weight barely sustained by the small branch underneath my feet.

Glancing back, I just about gagged on my air as the orc attempted to bring down his fist onto the hobbit's skull, not making it to the hobbits head, instead, the orc was pierced in the arm, his smaller adversary flipping him on his back and stabbing him through the stomach one, two, three times. Realizing that the orc was dead, Bilbo yanked out his sword and stumbled to his feet. panting and placing himself in front of the dwarf king and the orc king, he planted his bare feet.

facing the hobbit, the orc barred his unsightly teeth, his wretched persona like a veil over his shoulders.

"Kill him," he barked out, his pose stalking towards the halfling murder in their eyes. flinging his sword around in front of him, the fear in his stance apparent. all at once Kili jumped over my head and ran towards the pack, one, two, and three more jumped over my head. Feeling someone grab my upper arm and drag me up, I felt my feet being pulled from under me, the sticks and twigs clinging to my clothes breaking as I was being lifted up.

saying thanks and clutching my weapon I darted over to the insentient body of thorin, landing on my knees and placing my pointer and middle finger to his throat, his breaths shallow and shakey. pressing on his jugular  I tried to count his heartbeats, the bluster around me too loud to concentrate.

groaning and vaulting up, I joined Bilbo in guarding him, my knees bloodstained and scoured from my landing. Shouts were everywhere, the persistent screams of my family as they tried to protect the other and kill the orcs, their weapons finding their marks.

shouting and jumping toward The hobbit, another orc was driven away by the brave halfling.

Letting out a loud yell I joined the fray, bilbo and I making the orc Bilbo stumbled into the way of the pale orcs warg, rearing back and nocking bilbo off, the warg made it so bilbo landed hard on his back his stomach on display with no protection but his shirt. backing up and staring at the ballsy hobbit, the pale orc frowned. This hobbit was not like the ones he had seen in the past, not that he had seen many before!

Bobbing his head and stepping forward,  I jumped in between them, my mind focused on purely the fact that I needed to protect everyone, that I COULDNT protect everyone and at least one of my family members stood hurt.

In an instant, there was a great scream, though it wasn't one that I knew, It was foreign and high-pitched like a bird.

Glimpsing up at the sky,  I caught these large beasts gliding in the sky, the fire lighting up their light and dark brown feathers. Looking at the pale orc and back at the sky I watched as he let out an angry scream. The Eagles gathered up the orcs and one by one the miserable beasts were thrown from the bluff their futures apparent in the eagle's eyes.

Screeching and spreading its claws, the biggest of the eagles, Black as twilight, the midnight majesty seized the helpless heap. dragging him like a child into the star-bound sky.  screaming as he saw him ascend, the pale orc himself was taken to the sky and thrown from his throne, all of his dignity thrown to the ground.

moving like a bullet towards me, another large eagle scooped me up, the wind lashing my hair, the scent in the air like rain. I could feel the hard metal talons clutching me to its palm, feeling it drop me I let out a shriek. My throat was raw and scratched. landing with an "oomph" I grasped the closest thing to me.

With my eyes shut tight I didn't realize what I had grabbed. Opening my bloodshot eyes, I looked up and saw blue orbs staring right back at me.

"We are so high up!" I whimpered, the glare of the moon cascading on his face, the fear apparent on his brow. unclasping one of his hands from the feather of the eagle, he pulled me nigher to him as if he was going to protect me from any loose stars if they so happen to descend.

His body was warm and quavering, the fight had obviously shaken him up, his breaths were uneven and he looked as if he was going to vomit.

I could see where his eyes were landed, the lifeless body of thorin sat betwixed in the hands of the eagle, his arm handing down from the rest of him, his back towards us. From what I could see he did not move.

"THORIN!" Fili yelled out, his childlike demeanor no more, the terror from which he saw was apparent on his pale face. Realizing that I had not seen Adad and Balin, I lashed my head around the beads on my hair cold against my cheek.

"ADAD!"  I shouted loudly, the feeling of dread covering me like a blanket.

To my left, I saw two lumps Waving their hands like madmen. squinting my eyes I discovered that it was Adad and uncle. I realized they were safe... I realized that this would not be the end

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