Not Expecting the Unexpected

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She looked she was getting some of her colour back. "I need you ". The doctor came back and connected the heart rate monitor. Her heart beat was low. 

She left the rooms. 

" I love you Alex, come back to me" Then the worst thing happened the monitor was beeping that it was warning to that her heart beat was dropping fast..."

Chapter 21:

 The doctor came rushing into the room. "I am sorry Alpha James but can you please leave the room." 

The nurse was pushing me out of the room. "No" I growled.

"Alpha its going to be harder to save her if you are in the room." the nurse informed me. 

I relucaintanly left and stood outside the door watching through the door. I sat down in the hard plastic chairs and waited with my head in my hands. Why can't these chair be comfortable. I started crying with out even realizing until Jayden pulled me into a hug. I cried on his shoulder. 

I now this seems like I am wuss but you know I dont even care anymore, I just want Alex my mate to be alright. I didnt mean that I didnt want a kid now, I just wanted to be able to enjoy some time with her, then settle down but still i would more than happy to be a father if i got to spend the rest of my life with her. 

I lost my sister and my parents and I only have a pack left i just wanted someone to love me and only me for the rest of my life. The pack respects me because i am Alpha and maybe future king, because Jayden was thinking of stepping down. But thats not the point. 

Maybe I was jealous that Alex's love would split between me and our child, is it wrong to only want her love for my self. 

I cried somemore. 

Then the door open and my head snapped up and the next thing you know the Doctor appears. I am on my feet and I look at her trying to peare around her. When she said the last thing that I didnt expect to her. 

"I am sorry Alpha James we co-coul-dnt save her"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, I picked the doctor up by her collar and said WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU COULDNT SAVE HER." . 

Then Jayden and few other of the pack were holding me pack and i fell to the ground crying, how could i have let this happen. I got up and ran into her room, she was pale and for the first time i couldn't here her raising heart, I couldnt feel the warmth of her. I couldnt feel anything. 

This was all my fault. 

Alex's pov. 

I could hear James crying but it broke my heart and i wanted to hold his hand but i was frozen and didnt know what to do. He didnt want to the child and i did. What if he never loved me. I felt my self splipping into the darkness, next thing i know i was surrounded by darkness. 

Then I saw the light and I walked to wards it, i stopped half way when my mother shows up blocking my path. "Where are you going hun"

", i going towards the light,"

"why sweetie. "

"because i dont want to return to earth,"

"Come grab my hand i want to show you something and then you can decide and i will stop you, not everyone can get a choice and you do so choose wisely, then my mother said, you should have let James explain." 

"also you came into their lives and now you want to leave them instead standing up and facing your problem, you want to  be a coward and run away. I was so proud of you when you stood up to those hunters and tried to save your raise even if for half your life they have been nothing but mean to you. Then you work hard to not be that weak girl."

"That pack took you in and now your alpha and a mate to another, and you want to leave him and break him to the extent of not being repairable. You do know that an alpha dying or getting rejected is painful to extent of wanting to die."

"Do you want that for James when all he ever did was help you and make you happy, you know the pain you want to but him through that and watch that he suffers just like you but longer, you found James to save you."

"I am sort of ashamed to have a daughter who is willing to give up, mates are soulmates and they love each other and will do anything for each other. You clearly only thought of your self."

"Take a look at this when you were in the hospital" 

I watched and heard everything that James was thinking, i felt bad for jumping to conclusions when all he was jealous. Then the picture changed again and then it was of the future, when James had lost alot of weight he had bloodshot eyes, and the pack was a mess no one was doing anything and they were like prisoners and there were rougues everywhere. What happened, Carlos looked like he was the king with Tiffany. 

Omg what happened then the rougue attacked James and he didnt even fight it then it started kiling one by one and no one did anything to stop it. 

"No" I cried when in less than a mintue every one was dead and bloody, 

"Please mom let me go back, I want to  go back" i said, that was all it took and she sent me back, but her last words were " I knew you would make the right choice."

Next thing I feel like i am flying and i see earth and i am getting closer and i am in my body. I fell everything i try to move and i feel sore and in a lot of pain, but i am getting there. 

The i hear screaming "James dont this is stupid".

I recognize that voice its Tiffany, you have me you can mate with me, dont worry about her.

I bolted out of bed and screamed "NO JAMES IS MINE" well it came out more like a growl. 

James turned around when he saw me, half holding Tiffany away from him. When he saw me, I was in so much pain because i just sat up and using those took alot out of me. i got out of bed and tried to stand but i was falling and then i felt someone catch me, I felt the sparks and saw James. 

"I am sorry James, i know that i shouldnt have ran out on you if you want then I can get rid of the baby, before I could here his answer i passed out.

What happens 1 or 2 more chapters to go i might write a sequel I might not, I am sorry it took so long, i just was not really in the best mood, but my oldest brother said that i cant be depressed all the time. I will try to update more frequently. I have 2 good books that i am working on and try to get it published so please read it. The tittle's are "A GIRL IN A BOY BAND", "DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL"  just by hearing the tittle would you read it, vote comment. I am still working on editing it i am sorry i just  wanted to got this chapter out there for all of my great fans that have been so pateint and understand with me. Thanks you I love you .

vote comment and tell me what you like and dont like just dont be mean, can inbox me to. :) <3

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