Second Marriage

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Chapter 2: Second Marriage

Alexander's pov

 After 6 months, of her mothers death her father got married to Beatrice. She was pretty but she was slutty, and she was most definetly a whore. She had a girl the same age as Alexander. But Tiffany was also following in the foot steps of her mother. She also looked like a slut which for some reason had all the guys falling heads or heel for her.

Carlo liked her but they were an on and off thing. Then after that Alexander was upset, she goes to school, they beat her there because everyone hated her and she didn’t know why. Tiffany became her stepsister but Alexander had a feeling that she was her half sister because they had the same father.

One day when everyone was gone Tiffany burned the pack house, when Alexander was coming home to it she saw the house was on fire. But she didn’t want it to burn so she was trying to put the fire out. But that didn’t work and she was getting burned, her room was outside in the cold.

It was the shed the Alpha said, " the slave can’t live in the house". They blamed the house burning down was Alex's fault.

" I didnt do I swear why would I want to burn the house that I live in this is my home as much as it yours" cried Alex.

" You burned the house down because you dont like that we are mean to you and your mad that since you sleep out in the cold that we should too. That is why you burned the house down as revenge", said Bradley

" Am I am not right."

Alex didn't argue back because she knew that even if they believed that she didnt do it. She didnt have any proof on who actually did it. That is what they would ask for. They didn't it when I said, "I didn't kill my own mother". I don't know why I think that they will believe me know when I say that I didn't burn the house down. 

The pack had insurance on the house so they got to build it bigger. She would have got kicked out of the pack and would be forced to turn rougue if it wasn't for the fact that she was underage. She was only 11 years old.

Then she saw her father talking with his step-daughter Tiffany. He was saying thanks for burning the house now we get a bigger house because of the insurance.

I wasn't even at fault for this it was Tiffany's doing. I was just there at the wrong time and wrong place. They played along when they caught me trying to put out the fire and they blamed it on me, when the rightful people should be taking responsbilty.

He hugged her, Alex recorded all that because she knew that she could use it one day. She had to put up with the sexual abuse, the harassment and everyone hating her she got more beating. When people started to get killed by the hunters and the rogues, she got blamed for it and she got double the beating. As days went by she had to deal with more harrassment.  She dealt with it even though she hate every time.

She got blamed for everything that happened. Mostly all the bad things that happened to the pack. But if the Alpha did his job and actually tried to actually do his job and train his members instead of worrying about more money. Than there wouldn't be this problem. But people thought blaming me for everything that they did would help solve problems. But that sure as hell wasn't the answer and neither was it helping. 

**3 years later**

Author: This is the next chapter it will better hopefully I will try to post soon. But please dont mind my mistakes because I am kind of bad at editing and that was all. If there is any suggesting please inbox. THANKS guys <3

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