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Chapter 8: School

 Alexander's Pov 

I started my new school. What I noticed was that the guys didnt really talk to any of the girls unless they were mates. But the guys would leave the pack when they find there mate. But the guys in the pack I dont know what they had against the girls but they just didnt. Because of this the girls were going crazy because they werent getting there attention. Esecpially James. I didnt like it one bit becasue they were trying to talk to them but they wouldn't budge.

I went to my first period class it was with the boys. Well all my class were with them. Everyone in this class where my pack member. I was comfortable with my pack. After a year and half I learned to trust them after everything that happed I didnt think I could ever again. But I did. I only trust my pack members for some reason. I cant trust any one else yet. 

When we are in the same class I try not to sit in the middle. I sit at the edge where where you look through the door window you can't see me. I didnt want any drama for the time I was here. The popular girls didnt like when anyone other than them went for my pack because they think that they are the only one that are worth it. But to me there just sluts that want to sleep around with guys. 

When I was in class I had the best time of the day for school. Then when I left and was walking around some of the pack member would wave or nod. The popular crowd took note of this that the only girl that these atleast come close to look at was me. The girls probably wonder how the new girl could get there attention. 1 month and half past. 

The next I went to school. My last period class teacher wasnt here so we didnt have class and because of that, I went to my locker early. When I was at my locker a guy randomly came up to me.

"Hey I am Damen."

I looked at him and went back to what I was doing. I was scared. No one was in the hallways.

Then Damen said, "how about I show you around to one of the hotessed place here. We can go and have a good time. What do you say. We can go to my place. My friends will come and we can hang out." 

"N-no tha-thank y-you". I stuttered.

"Why not it will be fun we can be together," said Damen

No it's ok-okay. 

" What is that no girls want to sleep with me. You sleep with the guys in the sliver moon pack but you can't come and enjoy a night with me and my friends. Your digusting." , said Damen. 

I was shocked. I was really scared. I didnt like where this was going. 

He grabbed my hand and said, "lets go I will be nice"

"No" I tried to struggle. 

"What is that James guys and his friends have that I don't, arent we all men that can statsfie your needs and our. Then he slammed me in to the locker. Why did you even come to this school. When your a slut." said Damen. 

I started crying. One because the locker hurt my back and then his grip on my hand was tight. I tried to struggle. But his other friend were holding my other arm. I was scared. I didnt know what to do. James please help me. Then I was crying. Then someone slide there arm around my waist. I was going to scream, if I didnt know it was my mate. 

Then after that he pulled me to his chest and I cried I was shaking, from the fear and the fact I was alone and everything that they said to me. Than after that. James held me tight to him and I held on to him. The rest of the pack was behind him.

"What the hell are you doing to my girlfriend", said James

"What she is your girlfriend" said Damen.

"Ya why where you touching her" said James. 

"I am sorry I didnt know" said Damen. 

Then Damen and his friend ran off screaming. The bell rang I didnt want to get caught up in this. Then after that James said he had to go to his locker. He told me to go and wait outside. Then Luke and Lucas and the rest of the guys came with us. I was in the middle. They were talking to me through the mind link.

Then when we went outside Jayden was there most students were around watching Jayden. Jayden was good looking. Then I ran to him, I started crying. Then after that he held me tight what happened. Luke told through the mind link and he tensed. Jayden looked at where Damen and his friends where with and they flinched and ran. Jayden was going to ran after them. 

"Dont" , I said. 

He stopped looked down at me and asked if I was okay. Ya I am okay. I was a bit dizzy. Then James came and wrapped his arm around me. Then I blacked out and some one caught me. I woke up in my bed and then I thought it was all a dream. I went down stairs and there was everyone watching t.v.

James called me over I went and sat with him and Jayden and watched the show. Then after a while Jayden said, "Lets go out"

We all agreed. Got dressed and went out. Jayden got us this bracelts that had our names on it . Mine said Jayden, Austin, Brandon, Hunter, Luke, Lucas, Mike brothers forever. James Mate for ever. It was so cool and each of us had one. It was platinum and diamonds. It was the same thing for them but forever sister.

I hugged Jayden and thanked him this was the best gift, I have ever gotten. Then we went to the movies. After watching the movie we went home. 

I slept in my room. But couldnt sleep after everything that happened at school. I stayed up and did some cleaning. Then got ready to go to school the next morning. 

Then after that, when I was going to walk to school like I always do. James stopped me and said," your not walking to school your going to hang out with us". "No one will bother you and I cant stand to watch people bothering you." said James.

"No it's okay, I like walking." 

"Please they were all giving me the puppy dog eyes". 


We got in the car and drove to school. I was scared. I knew that people were going to look at me wierdly. I never liked the attention. But now I was going to get it. Then after that we arrivied. I was nervous we parked the 2 car that we drove in. I went in with James arm around shoulder. We went I went to my locker and James was leaning beside my locker. My locker was beside his. All my brothers surronding us. We were talking and laughing. Then James wrapped his arm around my waist. He pulled me to him and he made me lean on him. Then we were talking. They made me laugh. All the girls were looking at us. I didnt see Damen at all. Then we went to class. For the rest of the ear we hung out. James didnt let me out of his site. Not even once.

School finished and we went back to training. 

Author's note:

it was short vote comment tell me if you like it so far.

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