The rest of the pack part 2

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Chapter 7: Rest of the Pack

I had a shedule, that I fight from 5 in the morning to 11 and then study untill 3 and then fight again untill 11 at night. I had sundays off. But I still praticed and tryed to get a head in my lessons. But it was alot of work. I got breakfast, Lunch, and dinner in those times. But I tried my best and I was smart in school so this was nothing. Then I stopped eating as much to have more time in training. That wasnt healthy. Jayden caught on after 2 days. He actually me sit there and eat. He had someone watched me to make sure that I ate. After how the hunters hadnt given me enough food. I was already weak and Jayden didnt like that I was over working my self. I barley got see James, he was busy with mission and I was busy with school and training. I started eating well again I didnt gain wait and it was funny. Because other girls would have. They made me eat healthy because I was in training.

I was talking to Jayden and said, "that if we got Immuned to wolfsbane then the hunter dont have that weapon on us. We can try to change with it in our system."

Jayden said, "That is smart idea. We are more powerful than normal wolves. sure why not." 

They all had powers, Austin can use earth. Mike can use wind. Lucus can use fire. Luke with water. Hunter with metal. Brandon was teleporting. The alpha's had healing powers. I was a sliver wolf so I had all there powers plus invisbility. So everyone with the strength in that power taught me how to use it. I learned how to keep it under uncontrol. Since I had all the power's there were a lot powerful. I praticed day after day. Night after night. I learned how to do kung fu, boxing, Karate, street fighting. I learned how to fight in both wolf form and human form. I learned how to use my powers and how to combine my power. Then I learned that I can shield people. The more that I praticed the more stronger that I got and I could shiled more than one person. I can also hide my scent.

I was an amazing wolf that no one can take that from me now. I was more confident than ever. In a year we became the strongest most feared, smartest and biggest pack in the world. The elders would send indiviuals to weaker pack to train. Jayden did the ritual with me and so did, Austin, Brandon, Mike, Hunter, Luke and Lucas. They all did the ritual and became my brothers. Jayden adopted me so I got to change my last name. James marked me and I was happy. I was slowly getting over the fear and I was learning to trust people again. All us became a family that can never be sepreated. I found out that Jayden had 10 year old son but he was only like 25 and he looked 19 but the had a kid a young age. But his son is at some alpha training camp. 

18 months later

Nick the third Alpha stepped down and he found his mate and he wanted to join his mate at her pack. She was half way around the world so he stepped down.

Nick said," I want Alexander Locke to take over from my alpha postion."

I was suprised was an understatement. 

"WHAT. I can't I am not fit to take on a whole pack. I am still learning and I have this fear and I am working on."

" Relax Alex. I know your ready that's why I chose you to be the alpha I think that you will do everything to keep the pack together and make them the strongest and fight together and be kind. I think you would be the best. Lets vote to see if you would be a good alpha. Who votes that Alex should take my place in being the Alpha." said Nick.

Everyone I am everyone single one of the pack members raised there hands. Some even both hands. I was shocked. 

"Then Alex is the next Alpha" said Nick.

"Do I even have a say in this."

"Nope" said Nick.

I laughed yeah Alex is the next Alpha over the year I got closer to the twin they were like 8 year olds. But they were older actually all of them where older than me. 

"You have to pick a Beta and 3 in command" Said Jayden 

Austin and Brandon where Jayden's beta and 3 in command. Then Hunter and Mike were the beta and 3rd in command. So if the twins became my beta and 3rd than we could be a pack family. Then I chose the twins. Lucas is the oldest so he will be my beta, and Luke can be my 3rd in command. They attacked me in a hug and I didnt flinch. I learned that being the only girl with 7 brothers, you get alot of hugs. But none of there hugs are as excited as the twins. The twins are good guys and funny and silly. But you mess with something that they love and its becomes the end of the world.

Well my whole family is like that with everything that happened. I caught up with everything. I had do grade 12 and I wanted to start it at school. So I went to school with James and the rest because I would be bored at home. But at school I was distant from the pack and they didnt say anything. There was another pack that went to that school. The guys from our pack didnt talk to girls unless, it was their mates. But in most case they would leave the pack once they found there mate. But there most of my pack members I dont know why but they never talked to any girls. I distant my self from them. But them did nod at me and I didnt give them much reaction. I didnt talk to many people after everything that happened at my old school. I was still scared. Even though I was the Alpha of one and only strongest pack in the world

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