The Truth part 1

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Chapter 6: The Truth Part 1

 Alexander's Pov

I was fully healed. Today was the day that I get to find out, how there going to kill me. I wasnt happy about that. Then the guys came in I was a bit scared. They asked how I was feeling. Turns out you were right about the knife. "What are you taking about" I asked. 

"Well we tried on a rouge that tresspased and he died. It is a dangerous weapon we put away somewhere same where no one will find it."said James (I think was his name.) 

"Get up we will show you to your room is that where your going to kill me". 

"Why would we kill you" Said the same guy.

I am lost why are they acting all nice was I going to die painful. Why do I hear conversation of some people. Its the pack's mind link why can I here the pack members. That is only if they accept me into the pack. Did they accept me into the pack. 

"Yes we accepted you into our pack and you have to join whether you like it or not". I heard from a voice. 

" Why".

"Becuse you trespassed and we will make you stay" said the voice (it was james)

"We will show you to your room",said a guy I think was Hunter. 

This is going to a while. I am kind of happy that they accepted me for who I am and that they didn't hate me for it. Well they dont know my past so they can't actually say anything. I just wanted someone to love me for who I was. I was never loved in my old pack I was always made fun of. They lead the way and I went with them. But I stayed a couple of steps behind them. Then they finally stopped after what felt like forever. The house seemed big. Okay so your room is right across from James and Jayden.

They opened the door and it was a huge room. The room had a table with a laptop. A bookshelf with some books. There was huge window on the side of the wall that had a view of the backyard. Then there was a plasma t.v that was mounted on the wall. With a speaker system. Then there was full length mirror in the closet with endless supplie od clothes. From imaginable shortshorts, to short, to 3 quarters, to skinny jeans to sweats. There was shirts, t-shirts, tops, tang tops, leather jackets, hoodies, then there was jackets and scarfs, and hats. There was PJ in different colour and different season. Different shoes. from heels to boots to UGGs, to sneakers, to high tops. There was skirts of different length. Then there was make up alot of it that I have seen before. To any girl this would have been heaven but to me. It wasnt I was never into any of this because I was ugly. I still dont think i am. I walked out of my closet and saw the bathroom it was huge. Then I sat on my huge bed that could fit 4 people on and probably more. The comforter were aqua with a hint dark blue. The wall behind her bed had a waterfall mural with forest surronding it. It was beautiful. 

I sat down and they came in all happy that I liked the room. Then I backed up because I was scared. They put there hands up in surrender. We arent going to hurt you. We promise. We are your family. Your going to have so much fun with us. We want to help you get through this and be there for you. Your a part of the pack one of us. Then all 9 of them came in and sat on the floor and waited for me to start. Because they wanted me to talk.

"What happened and why did you run away", one of the boys asked.

Here goes nothing might as well get over with it. " UHMM.... so my mother and father didn't find there mates they both said they died. So there parents made them mate. They had Bradely and me. Well my father found his mate and had a child with her that was 7 months younger than me. Than after when we went out to eat. We were coming back rougues attacked. Dad stepped out and my mother was attacked. She was crying and she was lying there bleeding. My father payed the rougues and he took of. I went to my mother and she died, in my arms. The pack came and they thought that I killed them and it was probably my dad doing, feed them lies. 

Then he got married to his real mate. She had a daughter. She loved Bradely but hated me, they worked me like slave and tortured me. Then Tiffany the stepsister or half sister she burned the house down and when I went to put it out. That's when the pack came. Think i burned it down. But it was tiffany. My dad that to get insurance to build a bigger house. My father loves money and power. Then everyone blamed me for everything that happened. When people died from rougue attack to many other things.

Then there was that day I ran away when I found my mate and he rejected me and chose Tiffany my sister over me. My brother said that he wished TIffany was his real sister and not me because I was worthless. Then I ran and that is where rougue found me and they were going to rape me and they said that I was fat and ugly. Then they the hunters found. Then when we escaped I burned done the house and took off and you know after that. 

"You burned down the house that killed a total of 104 hunters" said Jayden.

I flinched at the words hunter, yeah. so.

Author's note: 

Sorry guys its was to long I made another part, vote if you like and comment if you have any suggestion.

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