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"Now remember, daddy has a boo-boo so be careful around him, okay?" I spoke to the kids as we drove back home.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Cherry asked, nervously.

"As long as he gets his rest, he'll be perfectly fine!" I reassured her. 

Frank's accident may not have been too serious, but I have been having nightmares about it ever since. I could've lost him the same way I lost Mikey, and I just don't think I'd be able to go on if that happened. 

I pulled into the driveway and helped the five children out of the vehicle, then proceeded to unlock the door. 

"I'm going to go check on your dad, go play, but try to be quiet." I said to the kids before walking towards our room.

"Hey, you're home!" Frank grinned, sitting up a little too quickly in bed.

"Careful," I scolded him as I noticed his slight dizziness, "I told the kids to be careful around you and to try to be quiet. I don't know how well it'll work, but-"

"I'll be okay, I promise." He motioned for me to come sit on the bed next to him. "How do you feel?"

"Still a little icky, but it's nothing I can't handle." I chuckled. "Is there anything I can get you?"

"Everything I want is right here with me." He smirked, trying to be smooth.

"Do you mean me or the tv? I can't tell." I joked.

"Both!" He laughed. It had been two days since the accident and this man was already acting like himself again. He tried to act like he was fully recovered, but I knew that was a lie. He was just restless.

"I need to make dinner so you'll only have the tv for a little bit." I sighed.

"That's okay, food sounds fantastic right now," He noticed my change in demeanor since the accident, so he grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, getting my attention, "Stop worrying so much, I'm okay. I'm not going anywhere any time soon."

"I know. I just-" I paused, trying to figure out how to word what I want to say, "The thought of losing you alone terrifies me, but thinking about losing you in the same way as I lost him kills me."

"Like I said, you have nothing to worry about." He placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me softly. "I'm not leaving you or the kids; not now, not ever."

"Promise?" I asked.

"I promise." He smiled. "Now go feed our little monsters!" 

"Okay, okay, okay." I rolled my eyes and stood from the bed. "Do you want me to bring your food up or are you gonna try to eat with us?"

"I'll eat down there!" He seemed excited that I gave him the option to get out of bed.

"Okay, I'll get you when it's done." I giggled before leaving the room. 

"Can I see him, mommy?" Kat asked as soon as I entered the living room.

"In a little bit, he's going to eat down here with us!" I replied, causing her to jump in excitement. "Just remember to be careful around him, okay? He's not fully healed yet."

"We'll be super careful!" Lily butted in, smiling widely. 

The kids don't know exactly what happened. They know that Frank had an accident and hurt his head, and that I hurt my arm helping him. I was afraid that mentioning it being a car accident would bring up faint memories that I didn't want Kat and Jasper reliving. 

"Good," I chuckled, "Now go play, I'm going to start dinner."

The kids ran off to their play area as I continued making my way to the kitchen. I decided to make a simple fettuccine alfredo with some vegetables on the side. I grabbed all the necessary ingredients and began the process.

Making food for six people always took a lot of work, but tonight felt totally different. As I went through the different steps, I slowly felt sicker and sicker. It took everything in me to get through it all. 

"Hey, you don't look so good." I heard Frank's concerned voice.

"I'm fine, just tired." I shrugged, lying to him to keep him from worrying. "It's almost done! I just gotta set the table."

"I'll do it." He went to reach for the plates, but I stopped him. "Setting the table won't hurt me."

"Fine, but be careful." I sighed, letting him go at it. 

He set everything out like usual, then grabbed drinks from the refrigerator. I called the kids in and they took their seats while I brought the hot food over to the table, sitting it down right in the middle.

"How do you feel, daddy?" Jasper questioned, asking the question all five children had on their mind.

"I feel a little bit better." He smiled as he answered the boy. 

"We missed you!" Cherry and Kat exclaimed simultaneously, causing us all to giggle.

"I missed you all too," He chuckled, "Now let's eat, I'm starving." 

Dinner was going great, as usual. We talked about our day, or really anything that popped up, and the kids were extremely happy to see their father again, and he was happy to see them as well. I could tell he was getting tired towards the end though.

I couldn't stop replaying the accident in my head, seeing him knocked out in the wreckage. As much as he tells me he's fine, that he won't leave us, the thought never leaves my mind. I love this man more than I thought I could ever love another person. He brought me back to life when I still felt like dying. He made me happy again. I can't lose that, I can't lose him.

"Y/N?" Frank's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Huh, what?" I asked. "Sorry, daydreaming a little."

"Kids, why don't you go get cleaned up while I help your mom clean up out here." He spoke to the kids. I kept my head down, knowing he was staring at me. The kids did as they were told and left the room, leaving us alone.

"I'm sorry. I'm really trying to-"

"Don't apologize, Y/N," he paused, "I understand why you feel the way you do, but I'm fine. I am right here, that's all that matters. Don't think of the 'what-ifs' because none of that happened. I'm okay, we're okay, and I'm not going anywhere."

"You're right, I know you're right," I sighed, "I'm glad you're okay. I can't imagine-"

He stood slowly from his chair and came over to me, crouching down beside my chair. He grabbed my hands and looked up at me in what looked like a mix of concern and admiration.

"I love you. Let's clean up and then we can relax, okay?" He murmured.

"I love you too."

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