Chasing My Dream (Mary Walker, aka Typhoid Mary)

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"Mary... Please... Listen to me..." Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, was on the ground. Flicks of blue fire were searing his suit, as he looked towards the woman who was looking at him with a sight that even would make the Hulk tremble in fear. "You have to-"


"Hush, loverboy..." Mary Walker, villainess known as Typhoid Mary, had a gleeful smile on her face. Her one true love was with her, alone in the city of New York as she had kept him trapped in her own comfort zone. She was not going to let him go, they were meant to be together after all. So she crouched down a bit, her face slightly angry. "Now... Why don't you explain to me the kiss that harlot gave you?"

Peter gulped a bit, remembering the kiss on the cheek that Angelica Jones gave him for helping her out earlier. Peter could only deviate his sight a bit, slightly fearful of what Mary would actually do to Angelica if she saw her again. Peter had tried to be the crutch to Mary's life ever since her whole episode with the X-Men, Iron Fist and himself.

"Firestar... and I... are nothing" Peter slowly got up to his knees, with Mary frowning a bit. He moved his hand towards her face, gently grasping her cheek. Peter coughed a bit, blood escaping his lips. He had endured many hardships ever since he decided to make Mary his responsibility, but he has never regretted being her pillar. "You... Mary... You are... the only one... for me"

"Really?" Mary blinked once and her attitude had already changed. She knew that her jealousy was immense, having episodes every time she would see Peter with someone else. She hated having them, it showed her just how weak she was. But what hurt the most was seeing just how Peter ended after each and every episode of her. "Am... Am I... your only one?"

"Mary... I have... told you... twenty times by now..." Peter neared her face, and gave her a gentle kiss to the lips. Peter knew just how to calm Mary down. Months of living together and Peter already knew just how to get Mary to calm down quickly. He had done everything he could to get her to start a new life with him. And while he had seen how she almost fell into the abyss once more, he had been there to save her from going too deep into it. "I love you..."

"I'm... I'm... I'm so sorry..." Mary sobbed, falling on her knees. It had been a short distance from the ground, so she was fine in that area. But her heart was breaking every time she had time to realize what she had done. She knew that she was a danger to everyone near her, her instability and her medical records had shown her enough. But he always stood near her, helping her when she had only caused him pain. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm-"

"Hey... Stop that...'' Peter interrupted her, closing the gap by hugging the curly red haired female in front of him for just a moment. He knew just how fragile her mind was, and he had been there for her every step of the way ever since that fateful day. He had been to every medical facility, trying to find the experts that were willing to tell him just how to help Mary. And all the answers he had were the same... That she had no chance to be saved.

Peter shook the memory away, the thoughts of the experts vanishing from his mind. He knew the perfect way to help Mary. He had been denying it for quite a while, but it had stopped ever since one week ago. She had been having fewer episodes and was living a beautiful life with him. But even he knew that it was not a cure, but a treatment.


"Nope! Not hearing it" Peter interrupted once more, talking a bit clearer all thanks to the healing factor that the spider bite gave him years ago. He was giving it his best, never giving up even when close friends had told him that Mary was a lost cause. He never gave up, even when adversity seemed to be knocking on his door on a daily basis. Mary was his responsibility now, and he was not going to go away from his responsibility. "Never think that I would leave you for someone else, Mary. I love you and only you. So please... Smile for me, alright?"

Mary sobbed a bit. She was so fortunate to even have him in her life. He may have not known but she had seen the messages that he sent through his phone towards his friends. And she was happy to know that each and every time someone tried to take him away from her, he didn't hear any of it. Staying by her side even when all she was able to give him was pain. She made a teary smile, her eyes slightly opened as she could see how Peter smiled at her.

"T-Thank you... For... For not leaving me" Mary croaked a bit, her throat failing her as she has never been happier in her life. All she ever knew was the refusal of every single person around her, but not his... not Peter's. He was always accepting, hearing her doubts and pains. She was able to go hours non-stop and Peter would have a sad smile all the way, never complaining about it. " I... I love you too..."

"I know..." Peter said, closing his eyes as he moved his forehead against her own. He could feel just how relaxed she was as he let her know, not just by his words but by his actions, that he loved her. He never would have thought of having someone like Mary close to his heart, but he had opened a piece of his heart to her and she had managed to conquer it completely. "I know..."

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