Chapter 2

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After only 10 minutes of walking, I’m greeted by Elliot and Miles – but not a good greeting.

“What’s up nerd?” Elliot says, pushing me onto the floor, causing my phone to fall out of my pocket and crack.

“Nice phone. Does it ever ring?” Miles says. He and Elliot laugh and give each other a high-five. I’m used to being bullied. I’ve been bullied my entire life. Usually, I just ignore it. I try to stand up but Elliot pushes me back down. My knees graze on the cold, hard, concrete.

“Aww. Do your knees hurt? Do you want mommy to kiss it better?” Elliot says, a smirk appearing on his face. They both laugh even harder. I don’t bother saying anything. I know there’s no point. They’re stronger and more popular than me anyway.

“Why aren’t you saying anything, fag?” Miles says. I hate when people call me that. Any other name, I’m fine with, and can completely ignore. I’ve been called ‘loser’, ‘gaylord’ and much more, but ‘fag’ is the only name that really bothers me. Pain courses through my entire body when Miles plants a punch on my face.

“Stop…” I manage to choke out. They ignore me and continue punching me. I’m surprised nobody has bothered to help me yet. I reach for my phone and dial ‘999’. Elliot sees what I’m doing and kicks my phone out of my hand. It flies through the air and lands on the floor, smashing as it makes contact with the ground. Standing up, I attempt to run away from Elliot and Miles. They run after me but, luckily, I’m one of the fastest runners in the school, so I’m able to run away from them easily.

After running for 2 minutes, I look behind me. I don’t see them anywhere, so I assume they’ve given up. I stop moving and place my hands on my hips as I breathe in and out, trying to catch my breath. What I don’t get is, why they always bully me? I’m not even the biggest nerd in the school. I use to think I was popular – boy, was I wrong.

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