Chapter 12

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I decide to do what I always do and keep this to myself. Besides, I’m still trying to figure it out for myself. I go onto Skype and call Phil. After two rings, he answers.

“Hey Daniel.” He says, his voice slightly glitching with the bad internet connection.

“Helloooo.” I say, dragging the ‘o’.

“Woah. Since when is your hair curly?” He asks me. I laugh.

“I straighten it every day. It’s naturally curled.” I answer.

“Oh cool. It’s cute. But you look like a really tall hobbit from The Lord Of The Rings.” He jokes. We both laugh.

“Yeah. I know.” I hear the front door slam shut.

“What was that?” Phil asks.

“My mum’s home.” I reply. Phil and I talk about what YouTube video we should do. We settle on something like a Q&A. Phil thinks of the name, ‘Phil is not on fire’. I agree. After about an hour, my mum barges through the door, unsteadily holding a bottle of wine.

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