Chapter 17

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After 10 minutes he arrives and automatically jumps out and hug me. I hug him back.

"I am never waiting 5 days for you ever again." He says. I laugh.

"Hello to you too." I say, laughing. He laughs and we both get into his car.

"Wait - where are we going again?" I ask.

"My house." He replies happily.

When we get there, Phil opens the door to his bedroom and all I see is colour.

"Too much colour! My eyes!" I yell, jokingly covering my eyes. He laughs.

"Oops." He says. I see his camera, set on the tripod. "I was filming before I picked you up." He adds, noticing where I was looking. "Get ready for the video. We can film in 10 minutes." He continues. I nod and fix my hair - that's all I really need to do. Phil comes out wearing a completely different outfit. He turns his phone on though I can't see what he's doing. "Log onto your Twitter and ask everyone to comment questions." He says. I do as I'm told and we choose about 20 questions that we like.

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