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Jiyong and Dara were able to roam around the city of London. They had so much fun from just doing little things such as sightseeing, going to the museum, eating outside while watching the people in different walks of life, just enjoying each other's company, and getting to know each other a little more.

Jiyong was surprised that his wife didn't even mention about going shopping. They have passed by so many well-known stores and yet she just looked from outside the window and moved on. She is by far different from other women he had dated previously who like to shop until they drop. He noticed that she enjoys simple things, just being outdoors and eating out makes her happy.

For the past six weeks that they have been married he has never seen nor hear from her about going out to the mall and shop. He even observed that she doesn't dress to impress nor wears any jewelry nor heavy makeup. Most of the time her face is bare of makeup. She never complains about anything nor likes to argue about petty things. Though at times she would express her own opinions on things. She does it with so much class that you can not even argue back because she will make you think twice before you say or do anything. She has a very intriguing type of aura that you don't see very often in an ordinary person. When she starts to speak she will make you listen and understand what she's trying to say. She has no filter in her and she will tell you her honest opinion in ways that you will not be able to engulf at times.

"Hubby, would it be too much to ask if we can get some gelato ice cream?" she sweetly asked.

Jiyong snapped out of his trance when she called his attention. "Yes of course, if that is what you want."

Dara led him to one of the ice cream stands that surprises him even more. "Is this what you want?" he asked as he also was looking at an ice cream parlor across the street from where they were at.

Dara smilingly nodded and started choosing the flavors that she likes. "Hello, sir! May I please have one scoop of dark chocolate and one scoop of mint chocolate chip in a sugar cone?"

Jiyong grinned to himself intrigue as he watched his wife asking the ice cream man like a little child. She then turned to him asking, "How about you babe?" Jiyong froze because of what she had called him. She never calls him anything except "hubby" and he actually loves it.

"Uhmm...yes, I would like one scoop of pistachio in a cup, please?"

Upon getting their ice cream they walk towards the park to find a place where they can devour their gelato. They ate in comfortable silence as they enjoy just being outdoors. Jiyong noticed a smear of ice cream near Dara's lip but did not say anything because he finds it cute. He discreetly took a stolen shot of her and smirked to himself.

Dara's phone buzz and she picked it up as it shows who it was calling her. "Hello."

"Hello, again sweetheart!" Jaejoong was saying in the other end and Jiyong heard him and furrowed his brows.

This did not go unnoticed to Dara as she smirks to herself. She likes that her heartless husband is actually getting jealous. "Jaejoong? What's going on?" she casually, responded.

"Are you free tonight? I-I was just wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?" he asked hoping that she will agree.

"I'm actually already out and won't be home until late at night," she answered as she looked at her husband who still has his brows furrowed as he stares far away but listening to her conversation.

"Oh, is that right? Well...there's still tomorrow. We can go sightseeing and eat out. You know spend a day together."

This time Jiyong already annoyed turned around to Dara and stare at her. Dara was taken aback by the way her husband is looking annoyed and she started feeling nervous but giddy at the same time.

Jiyong felt angry and annoyed upon hearing his old frenemy trying to ask his wife on a date. He wanted to take her phone but held himself. Their relationship is not for the public but he is somehow wanted to let the world know that Dara Park is now Dara Kwon. His wife.

Dara finally answered, "Mr. Kim are you forgetting that I have a photoshoot all day tomorrow? You are the one who booked me for this project."

They both heard Jaejoong on the other end, "F**k! T-then what about dinner?"

"We have that dinner party to attend to," she said unbothered by his sudden outbursts.

"F**k, f**k, f**k! We're not going to that dinner then." Jaejoong said frustratedly.

Jiyong finally just had it. He took Dara's phone and turned it off completely without saying a word.

Dara was astounded but did not argue. She knows not to get into her husband's bad side. She completely understands why he did that and she is not even angry at all. She actually loves it. It means that their relationship is getting deeper. They are starting to get to know each other's likes and dislikes. She knows that he means her no harm that he is just stating a fact and putting his stamp on her.

"Hubby?!" she tried to ease his feelings. "Babe?!" she sweetly tried again.

Jiyong's anger is finally melting of how his wife is calling him with the two most endearments that he loves so much. He then pulled her in his arms and kiss her hungrily as if showing everyone that she is his, only his.

They finally took a breather as both are trying to catch their breaths. Jiyong placed his forehead against hers and finally said "Mrs. Kwon." Dara gasped upon hearing this for this is the first time that he had acknowledged her and called her legal title as his wife. "That's right. You are now Mrs. Kwon Jiyong. You are no longer Ms. Park. No longer single but married. Married to me.

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