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Jiyong found himself playing soccer with the kids and he was enjoying it a lot. He had forgotten the feeling of being a kid and of how much he had enjoyed his childhood playing different types of sports. They took a break from playing so that the kids can rest for a bit. He decided to walk towards the bench where the other kids are resting and took a big gulp of water. He was just looking around when he caught a glimpse of his wife with a little girl sitting next to her under a shady tree. He watched them for a while as he noticed that the girl was making a sign with her hands. He furrows his brows upon seeing this. Then his wife started doing the same thing as the girl was doing and he kind of got confused. He then turned around to ask one of the kids about them. "Hyunsuk," he called. The boy responded to this call. "What are they doing with their hands?" he asked the boy.

"Oh that!? Shin-Ae is deaf and the way she communicates is with her hands by sign language. The princess knows how to do sign language too and they always spend time together even just for a little bit. Princess Dara always makes sure that she would spend time with all of us equally." the boy said proudly.

Stunned Jiyong looked at them and watch as they both communicated and were even laughing. Feeling proud of his wife's ability to communicate with the deaf person by sign language makes him also want to learn it. "She is really one of a kind." he thought to himself as his heart is beating hard for her.

The day finally ended and all the kids are happy with all the gifts they have received and all the activities that had occurred. Sis. Ani was just overjoyed and humbly thanked both of them as she held Dara's hands. "It is always a pleasure to have you come to our humble home Her Highness. Thank you for everything. The kids are all overjoyed with gladness and they will be talking about you and all of these nonstop for days again."

Dara feeling humble herself gave Sis. Ani a hug. "The pleasure is always mine. I also want to thank you and everyone here for your unconditional love and support for all these precious children. Without you who knows where could they have been."

Sis. Ani sincerely added. "No, Her Highness. If it wasn't for your royal mother who started all of these we would have not been here. I still remember the day she brought you here when you were little of how much fun you've had playing with the children. If it wasn't for that bad incident that happened to you." she paused sadly as she remembers the past. "You have been gone for so long and I am just so glad that you are back safely. We have been praying for the true royal family and your safe return after all these years." Sis. Ani couldn't help as her teardrop. Dara too is now in tears as she sniffed.

Stunned upon hearing all these Jiyong could only listen and observe. He sure does have a lot of investigations to do that is if his wife is still not ready to tell him anything. He will not pressure her because it seems like she has a lot to eternalize and do later on. He is sure that she will need a lot of assistance and he will willingly do so.

Sis. Ani then turned to Jiyong. "Mr. Kwon we also would like to thank you for coming. I know that you are one of the busiest people in the country and don't usually have time to do anything else. But today it is very heartwarming that you made time. We sincerely thank you." she said as she smiled at him.

Jiyong who usually has a cold personality surprised Sis. Ani when he returned her smile. "The pleasure is mine. I am very pleased that I was able to accompany my wife today," he said as he wrapped his right arm around Dara's small waist.

Sis. Ani and the rest of the staff were all surprised at this good news. She looked at Dara to confirm and was delighted at her answer. They all cheerfully congratulated the newlywed couple. They all bid their goodbyes for now and had promised to come back the following month.

The couple left feeling heartwarming. They drove home in comfortable silence. Jiyong glanced at Dara and gently took her left hand and entwined it with his. Dara feeling happy let him hold her hand with a smile. "Are you okay? Tired?" Jiyong asked in a low tone. Dara just nodded and leaned over to place her head on his shoulder for a bit.

"Thank you," she said to him in almost a whisper. But Jiyong was still able to hear her and he gently squeezed her hand. Dara knows that her husband has a lot of questions to ask her and she is not sure if she's ready to tell him. They still don't know each other well and the trust is not completely there yet.

Jiyong is also aware that his wife doesn't trust him yet and of course, he will not force her to tell him anything. He is willing to build and earned her trust completely and hopefully, she will allow him to enter her heart.

They have arrived home but Dara had fallen asleep on Jiyong's shoulder the whole entire trip but he did not mind at all. Dara woke up as she felt the car stopped. She realizes that she has fallen asleep on Jiyong's shoulder the entire trip of two hours.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry! I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep." she looked at him with worry on her face.

Jiyong gave her an assurance smile that he is fine and that he did not mind her sleeping on his shoulder at all. "It's okay. I know that you are exhausted and I don't mind that you had fallen asleep." but he wants to play with her for a little bit. "Aahhh!" he exclaimed as he pretends to massage his shoulder.

Dara worriedly tries to massage his shoulder but since they were in the car still she can not do it properly. "C'mon let's go inside." she rushed to open the door and went around to open the door for him which made Jiyong froze in his seat. "C'mon," she said it again and Jiyong finally snapped out of it and stepped out of the car. Dara grabbed his wrist and led him to their bedroom.

Once inside Dara asked him to take off his shirt. "Take off your shirt," she commanded him.

Jiyong was stunned and can't believe what is happening at the moment. He normally would be the one commanding orders and not the other way around. Funny that he doesn't mind at all coming from this woman who is now his wife. He smirked to himself as he abides her order.

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