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"My real name is Sandara Park future queen of Jaragon Kingdom. Sixteen years ago my royal family was ceased and was coerced to leave the kingdom immediately by the person my royal family has considered a family and trusted the most. My royal grandparents have only conceived one child, a son who is my father King Thunder Park who is married to my mother Queen Dami Park. Before my father was born my grandmother's best friend passed away due to old injuries created by her abusive husband. My grandmother who was also pregnant at that time found out too late therefore she made a promise to take care of her five-year-old son like her own. They have given him everything and took good care of him. The only thing is that he was not officially adopted because his father is still alive and well. Legally, according to Jaragon laws if one parent is still alive a child cannot be adopted. They have filed and charged for domestic violence against him and were put into jail for twelve years. Little did my grandparents know that my adopted uncle Seo Jung ki who was fifteen has been in contact with his father who was still in jail at that time. They have been secretly in contact for more than a year already before his dad's released. His dad slowly manipulates him into going against my grandparents. They have plotted against my family for years."

Dara paused for a bit trying to read her husband's reactions. But all he did was urged her to continue. "When my dad turned twenty-one and finally inherited the throne you can just imagine how Seo Jung ki must have felt. Before that, he had gotten married and had a daughter. That same day, the day of my father's coronation he accidentally overheard his adopted brother about the plot that they are planning to take over the kingdom. Though it did not happen right away, my father was able to take precautions. He did not mention anything to my grandparents because he doesn't want to ruin his parent's love and affection towards his older brother. My parents eventually got married and had me. I was four years old when my grandparents had gotten into an accident. My father had suspected it to be more than just an accident, but they couldn't find any sufficient evidence. He arranged for me to start learning everything and physically train at the age of four. He kept me hidden from the public for my safety. I didn't have any friends then but my cousins who only come once or twice a year. I did however befriended a boy who was older than me but it didn't last long. He would only come once a week for a short while and then he disappeared. The funny thing is I never learned his name." Jiyong furrowed his brows at her as if trying to remember and putting things together. But he still kept quiet.

"Even before I  turned eight my mother would usually go to the orphanage that she had started. I remember pleading with her to take me with her since I have never been out of the castle. She talked to my father about it and finally, I was able to see what is outside the castle. She took me to the orphanage that we, you, and I have visited. But unfortunately, while we were driving home our car was blocked by two big SUV's and the group of men took me with them. They have killed our knightguards and injured my mother." Jiyong finally uncovered her nightmare.

"The men kept me captive for it seems to me like forever but in reality two days. It was a good thing that there was a knight guard everywhere who saw me being taken. Again, they have suspected but not enough evidence. But I keep getting a flashback about seeing my uncle before falling unconscious." she tries to recall and Jiyong took mental note of this.

I was reclaimed but because of the trauma, I have been having issues with nightmares that went on for a year. My parents have tried to do everything for me to be treated and eventually I was able to overcome it. They have closed me to the world to protect me. On my tenth birthday, that was when the rebellion happened. My father has been slowly being poison for years without anyone knowing. We just know that his health has been slowly declining over the years. My mother's mental health has been gradually declining as well. But luckily my mother fought and kept herself together and started focusing more on my father's failing health. That same day my father collapse as I finished blowing my birthday candles. Everything was like slow motion. I was sitting on my father's lap happily as we were all very happy. When all of a sudden he just collapse and my mother screaming his name, all the people who were with us on that day were panicking and I...I was just so lost. I remember being pulled out of my dad's lap and was pushed into a corner. My mom hysterically crying and my adopted dad giving out orders and everyone was just looking so scared. I was scared too but nobody was paying attention to me...I just kept myself together and watch as everyone was doing all the best they can to help my family. Then later on that day my dad's older brother initiated his first step declaring himself to be the next king of our kingdom. He had vanished my parents and me out of the castle knowing that my father was fighting for his life. But my father has the agendas that he has planned with my adopted dad. We ended up leaving my parents and the life that I had known. We left out of the country to America. Even though we were leaving out of the country my adopted dad is still in contact with some of his trusted knights and people who knew the plan. He continued to train me and I have taken classes that will help me in ruling the country in the future. We, later on, moved to Australia and the rest you know." she said the last words in a whisper, but Jiyong still heard what she said.

They were both quiet for a while each trying to seize it all in. Jiyong kept his eyes on his wife studying her. He can tell that this was not easy for her to deliver but she had trusted him and open up her most painful experiences and well-kept secrets. He could only imagine what she had been through at a young age. He pulled her towards him and hold her tight in his arms trying to let her feel that he understands and that everything will be okay and that he will make sure of it. He will make all the people who had laid their hands on his wife and her royal family pay. He then kissed her forehead and he whispered, "It's okay babe, I'm here now I will not leave you. We'll work this out together."

Dara felt as if the load that she has been carrying for years had been offload. She tightened her arms around her husband's torso. "Thank you, babe. Thank you so much." as she then burst out into a sob. Jiyong just held her in his arms to let her cry to release whatever she had been feeling all throughout the years.

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