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Young-Guk proceeded to tell them a bit more. "While we were in the U.S. Princess Dara was a senior in high school, and she was walking back home because we only leave a couple of blocks away from school. A black SUV stopped in front of her as they tried to kidnap her. It was a group of six to seven men in total. She fought with all her might against those men. Though she can handle and protect herself she almost died because one of the men has a knife with him. She did not see it coming because a couple of men was distracting her. Luckily though she's very well trained that when the guy sneaked behind her she was able to move out of the way and one of their guys was the one who got stabbed."

Jiyong hissed loud enough for everyone to look at his angry face. "I think that will be all for now. Let's take a break." Jiyong stood up and left the room without a backward glance.
Everyone looked at each other as they have never seen their Knight General get deeply affected.

Jiyong went to his office on the eighteenth floor and sat on the couch for a while and leaned his head back and close his eyes. He just needs a breather because hearing those things that happened to his wife drained him completely. He took out his phone and saw his wife's message to let him know that she made it back home safe. This made him smile and decided to give her a call because he desperately wants to hear her sweet voice.

"Hello, miss me already?" Dara happily answers when she saw who the caller was.

Jiyong chuckled upon hearing his lovely wife. "Can you blame me?" he responded and he can hear her giggles which are music to his ear.

"How long is your meeting going to be?" she sweetly asks.

" looks like you're the one who is missing me more." he jokingly said.

"Is it wrong for me to miss you especially those...addicting lips of yours?" she said sounding seductive that Jiyong was stunned and smirked on the other line.

"Are you trying to seduce your husband over the phone?" he heard her laugh. "You know you're pretty brave for doing that knowing that I am not there with you. But would you be brave enough to do that again when I am with you physically? Hmm?" he asked with a smirk.

"We...elll! It's for me to know and for you to find out," she said full of confidence. She can hear her husband's laugh that shoots sweet chills in her spine. She loves it when she can make him laugh. These are the moments she cherishes the most because only she is allowed to see this side of him.

"Okay fine. But believe me when I say this. When the time comes that I will make you completely mine. You will be screaming my name over...and over...and over...again." he said it seductively as well and smirked because he knows that his wife is probably turning to a tomato face right this minute.

"Uhmm...aren't you supposed to go back to your meeting or something?" she nervously said.

This earned a smirk from Jiyong on the other end. "A...huh! You are just trying to change the topic because you know that I will make it happen plus more. Okay, I will see you later than when I get home. Oh and babe. Don't think of me and my lips too much. It's best when I am there so that you can really feel me." he said making her feel more nervous.

Stunned Dara couldn't say a word back. Her face turned into a deep red as she threw herself on their bed. It was a good thing that she is in her room by herself as released a loud squeal after they have disconnected the phone.

Jiyong was still laughing to himself and all the vulnerable emotions he felt inside earlier have gradually subsided. He swore to himself that he will safeguard his wife no matter what the cost. He then got up and went back down to the conference room where everyone is still waiting.

"Let's continue," he said, as he took his chair and sat feeling restored.

Everyone took their seat and focused their attention on the front. Top who is now the presenter started. This time they have disseminated the plans to put everything back in place.

Satisfied Jiyong squeezed the bridge of his nose as they finally ended the discussion. He still did not disclose who is princess Sandara Park to him. They aren't even aware that he is now a married man. Only Seungri, Chaerin, and Yung-Guk know the deepest secret. He is also aware that he won't be able to hide anything from the rest of his friends as they all stayed in the room with him as the rest were dismissed.

"Okay, man. Spill it all out?" Top was the first to speak up considering he's the oldest amongst the five of them.

Everyone looked at Jiyong but this time, not as their Knight General but a dear friend to them. Jiyong looked at each one of them before taking a deep breath. He weighed himself first on how to explain everything to them. But with his straightforward personality, he didn't cover it up.

"She's my wife." he halted there while the rest are appalled as they endure for him to give them more comprehensive announcements. But...nothing.

" do you mean you're married?" Youngbae still feeling dumbfounded asked.

Jiyong remained quiet for he knows that more questions are coming.

"Hyung! How could you do this to us? You got married and did not bother to tell any of us?" Dae started feeling hurt.

Seungri awkwardly raised his hand and said, "I-I know about it. S-sort of." Jiyong glared at him.

"Then how could he know and not the rest of us?" Top said as he creases his brows.

Jiyong raised his hand to stop them all. "I understand that you all may feel hurt for not telling you and I do apologize for that. I meant no harm from keeping this from you. It's just there are some things that I need to keep for myself to protect my wife." he paused as he looked at each of them for understanding. They all gave him a nod in understanding.

"How long ago since you got married?" Youngbae asked.

"Almost eight weeks now," he replied.

"How did you two meet?" Dae inquired next.

He first looks at Yung-Guk before giving his reply as if waiting for his approval. "We only just met on the day of our wedding." all of them were shocked as they scoffed at the same time except for Yung-Guk of course.

"I-if I may continue and explain further." Yung-Guk started as he asked Jiyong.

"Princess Sandara and Jiyong have been betrothed since they were little." this once again shocked everyone including Jiyong. His grandfather never mentioned that to him. He only said that he has someone who he thinks is suited for him to marry.

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