Arranged Marriage || 13

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[ - sophia - ]

So far, everything has been great between us and it'll mark one month ever since we've gotten married.

Have I caught any feelings for him ? No. Not yet. Though, I'm not sure about him. He still brings Ella over and of course I had to keep that good attitude to avoid A LOT of stuffs happening. Ella did try to anger me, but of course I was really patient and hasn't done anything stupid.

It gets stressful when you're living with a guy that have a girlfriend that just hates you naturally. I can barely have any peace when she's around. Like she'd brag about guys not being interested in me while it was me who doesn't wanna date anyone.

I just hope today he wouldn't bring Ella again. Like at least for this week, NO. I don't wanna see her. She would always rub it in my face that my exes would always get bored with me and leave me for her. It's annoying.

Rather than keep on ranting, I should probably cook dinner. Shua have been working overnight and have always asked me to go home first when he'd do so. Of course I don't mind. He's working hard after all

I got out of my bathtub and dried up my body and hair with a towel. I put on my undergarments and put on my bathrobe. I'm too lazy to put on my clothes at the moment, plus I don't think he's home yet. I mean even if he is, it's not like I'm naked or wearing lingerie so I don't see anything wrong.

As I was going downstairs, my eyes met with Jeonghan and another guy that I've never seen which led me to stop for a bit. Jeonghan was surprised, that guy was surprised. Shua wasn't there though. I'm guessing he's in his room

"Eh ? Jeonghan ssi ?" I tilted my head as I continued on walking downstairs.

"S-Sophia ?? H-he wasn't kidding when he said you two are h-housemates ??" he stuttered

"Housemates ?!" said the other guy in disbelief

"What's with the r--- Sophia why are you wearing a bathrobe only---" Joshua stopped before even reaching downstairs

I turned to look at him

"Well I've just finished taking my bath and was about to cook dinner" I shrugged

"Sophia my friends are here I--" he was still shocked

"Omg chill gentleman, at least I'm wearing something that covers my body than just being naked" I crossed my arms

"Your level of unbothered never failed to surprise me" he said still shocked

I then went up to the stairs as he was still there, standing straight. I could tell he was a bit nervous from afar tho. What ? He have a specific interest in girls wearing bathrobes or what ?

"I guess I'll go and change for a bit" I said as I walked past him and went straight into my room to change into a pyjama.

[ - joshua - ]

I let out a sigh of relief when she went back to her room. I'm quiet shocked that she's unbothered by it. I then went down to join Seungcheol and Jeonghan.

"Shua YOU gotta do some explaining" said Seungcheol

"Yes yes I know, but can we wait until we've finished dinner or something ???" I asked

They were considering it and ended up agreeing. I just don't want Sophia to be disturbed by it or something. It'd be better when she'd be staying in her room and wouldn't come out until midnight.

Arranged Marriage • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now