Arranged Marriage || 25

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[ - jihoon - ]

Not that long after that, she fell asleep peacefully. Must've been hard for her huh ? I mean, it was her first time having to console people that have the same problem as hers.

Here I am, hoping that this would be her last time in a serious relationship cause I don't think I can handle it seeing her crying over the same thing. It hurts me too much knowing the girl that I like and care about is suffering a lot.

I really hope... Shua hyung would be good to her. If not, then he'd have to have a talk with me.

After like an hour have passed by, the door opened revealing Shua hyung at the doorway. He entered the house and locked the door. He's coming by the living room for sure.

"Jihoon ? You're here already ?" Joshua asked

"Yeah, Sooyoung picked me up earlier" I replied as I was still playing on my phone

"Hm ? Where is she then ?" he asked

"Sleeping there" I pointed at the couch in front of me

"This girl really wouldn't take care of herself well" he sighed

"Been there before. She's too stubborn" I chuckled

He laughed too as he went to sit down beside me

"How was work ?" he asked

"Just like any other day hyung. Overall, it's decent" I replied as I put down my phone

"How about you ? Being the head of the company must've been exhausting" I said to him as I faced him

"You can say it that way" he laughed

"But I like it there so I won't complain about it" he smiled

Both of us ended up on catching up since it has been a long time ever since we've gotten to talk like this. We've always been busy and it's hard to meet. Though, we have always have a meet up as a whole group at the end of the year, to catch up with everything.

That's the day I'd always wait for the whole year. It's nice to have these 12 guys around. They meant everything for me.

"Sooyoung told me what happened earlier. How are you feeling now ?" I asked, of course worried about him

"Currently feeling better. Thanks to her, Seungcheol and Jeonghan" said Joshua, though I know how hurt he is

"Also, thanks to you for telling me. I really appreciate it Jihoon. Sorry that hyung was really stubborn to not listen to the three of you before" he apologized

"Things have passed hyung and we didn't mind. We understood why you were defensive of her. You just didn't know her well" I reassured him

"If you want to rant about it, feel free to do so. I wouldn't mind listening to it" I offered

"I-it's alright though,,," he declined

"I'm sure you still have a lot to rant about. Go ahead hyung, she's asleep and neither Seungcheol and Jeonghan are here. You can always open up to me" I smiled

Arranged Marriage • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now