Arranged Marriage || 68

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[ - sophia - ]

After I was done checking everything that'd be due by tomorrow, I reorganized it for him since he himself is very busy with his works right now. I looked at the time and it was like 3.50 pm or something like that. Maybe I should grab some snacks for him

I went out of the office and went to the pantry. A lot of my ex coworkers greeted me and said how they've missed me. Of course, aside from working with Shua, I had to help out a lot in the office too. Just, a part of the work that's all.

I talked with the ones that were in the pantry and they told me on how they've missed me being around. I got the work done easily while Eunji takes A LOT of time to settle one thing. Poor them... But it's not like I can come by working here again. I'm busy with my own works,,,

We bid our farewells and I went back to the office with a cup of coffee and a few crackers and candies. Shua was really focused onto his works and I'm a bit worried. Maybe I should take over a bit, it's not like I've never done these type of works.

I knocked onto the table to get his attention. He looked up to me

"Shua ya, take a break for a bit. I'll handle it for a while" I said to him

"No no, you've done a lot already" he refused

"Even so, you need to take a rest. It's not healthy for you" I said to him, well PRETTY much forcing---

"Sophia I'm fine okay ?? You can rest if you want to" he still refuses and I let out of a sigh

"Get off of there. Now." I demanded

When I said that he immediately stopped working. He knew I'd be even more upset than I'm already is and I'm sure he really doesn't want that

"Now take a rest. If you're doing your work while you're hella stressed, it ain't helping you in any way. Take a break for god sakes." I scolded

"Y-yes ma'am,,," he then went to the sofa and sat down to rest for a while

I went to his desk as I looked into the works he's doing now. It's not really hard so I was able to do it. He asked me to not do it but I don't care anyways. I'm tired of seeing him being overly stressed. He seriously need some rest. Glad that I made a reservation at that resort

After like 15 minutes have passed, Shua then came back to his place and asked me to move away since he had pretty much rested enough. Of course I did what he asked me to do. I sat down facing him though, watching him work

"Sophia, if you keep on staring at me then I'm gonna get distracted you know ??" said Joshua as his eyes were glued to the monitor

"Sir you're not even looking at me, what ?" I raised my eyebrow

"Yeah I know, but you're gazing at me like you're gazing at the starry night sky or something. It's distracting" said Joshua

"What about it is distracting ???" I was even more confused

"You could say it's as if the monitor in front of me is transparent now. Like, YOU are distracting me" said Joshua

"Ah, so you're just saying that I'm too pretty that it's distracting you from work ???" I asked

"Yes" he replied shortly

"Well then, I'll stand behind you" I said to him, basically joking

"That's like the stupidest response you could give me, but I'm in need of a massage, can you help ?" he asked

"Oh-- Certainly" I got off of the chair and went behind him

I massaged his shoulder like he asked for. He was really tensed up, I guess he's just really tired of working really hard. I guess me not being around is slowing him down a lot especially with that Eunji. She's like-- HELLA annoying I swear. Maybe I can search for someone who's kind of like me ??? Maybe I'll do that later.

Oh wait-- I do know someone who works as fast as me. I don't think she's working with any agency right now so I can probably recommend her to Shua ?? Let's ask him

"Shua ya" I called him and he hummed in response

"Do you maybe want a new assistant ?? Like, someone who's as diligent as me" I asked him

"Well, it'd be a lie if I say no. But how exactly can I find one" he sighed

"Well, I do know someone that's kind of like me when it comes to working and I think she's unoccupied at the moment. Do you want me to ask her ??" I asked him

"Even so, what should I do about Eunji ?? I feel bad to fire her" he said to me

"You can just move her to another department like your P.A before me. I mean, she's still good at working" I responded

"You don't have to deal with her flirting anymore after that" I said, trying to convince him

"Well... Is it a guy or a girl ?" he asked

"It's a girl" I replied

"Well, try to ask her then. I'd really need someone who can work like you" he requested

"Of course don't get me wrong okay ?? I just need someone that wouldn't piss me off on a daily basis" he added

"Alright, wait" I said to her as I grabbed my phone to text her. I hope it's a yes cause I'm tired of this girl I swear.

Not just because she's flirting with him, but because she's stressing Shua out, always mess her works up and it's always me who'd have to triple check that shit. I'm also tired of Shua coming home late because of her not being a good worker in this office of his.

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