Arranged Marriage || 72

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[ - sophia - ]

A lot of time have passed by and there wasn't much happening to me. It's just like any other day, working hard, and that's just it. Nothing bad's happening either so it's an amazing life for me.

It's been everything I've ever wished for, a normal life, a loving partner, a career that I've been wanting to pursue, and basically A LOT of good things have been happening. Maybe I've indeed have gotten a better life ahead of me. All of those sacrifices, the tears I've shed, it was worth it.

I just hope that... This wouldn't end.

[ - joshua - ]

Ever since I've gotten a new secretary, I felt as if a burden have lifted from my shoulders. Like, she's very helpful and diligent. With her around, I wasn't as anxious as I was when Eunji was the secretary. Maybe because Byeol ssi have never even made a move on me. I felt safe unlike before

Work have been going on smoothly. It finishes early and I don't always have to worry about it not being able to meet the deadline. Sophia doesn't have to come by to help either. We were able to balance our work and personal life just like before

As I was just working as usual, I suddenly received a call from Sophia. I picked it up since it might be important. After all, she is my top priority.

"Excuse me for a bit Byeol" I got up from my seat as I went to the corner of the room and answered the phone

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Hello my honeyyyy

Hello there

Why did you call me
at this hour ?

Just wanted to say goodbye
for the last time

After all, we're not gonna
see each other for like, a
week or so

Just because we're not
seeing each other, that
doesn't mean we won't
keep in contact

But I'll miss you for sure

Have fun with your
company retreat !

Send my regards to those
three okay ?

Will do !!!!

I'll bring some souvenirs
too !

Looking forward to it ~

I'll seriously miss you

I'll miss you too my honey

Well, I gotta go now

I'll text you when I'm there
hehe ~


Stay safe honey

You too !

Send my regards to Byeol
eonnie !

I will

I love you !

Mwah !

[ I giggled ]

I love you too honey


≿----- ❈ -----≾

She ended the call and I couldn't help but smile. Sophia's been really happy lately and I couldn't help but adore her. She's pulling all kinds of cute gimmicks and have been really comfortable with me around. I love her so much

We're going to be away from each other for like a week or so. I hope she's going to have a lot of fun and rest her mind. Well, she had waited for me for a month or so with my business trip so I couldn't forbade her from going to her company retreat right ?? It's only fair to let her go. She seemed very excited about it too so why not ?

We've been married for a year and a half already, I see no reason to not trust her. She's been such a lovely girl to me, how can I associate of such things with her. She's been faithful too, so I don't see the problem here

Staying positive is the right thing to do

[ - eunji - ]

So that girl's going on a company retreat ?? But where ?? Okay but most importantly, should I try make a move on him ?? But-- Is it appropriate now ?? He might throw me out of the building so it's better if I ask Ella for help.

Joshua then sat down at his seat and both of us pretty much talked about work. If I try anything stupid then bye bye sweet chances.

"Okay, you may leave now" said Joshua

"I know this is none of my business to ask, but where's your wife going sir ?" I asked him, hoping to get an answer. I mean, it could be helpful in some ways anyways.

"If you don't mind me asking of course" I added, wanting to lessen the suspicion

"Well, she's just going to Jeju Island. A company retreat that is" Joshua replied as his eyes were glued onto the screen

"Ah I see. Well, I hope she'll have a great time then. I'll get going" I said to him and left

Guess I got some useful information to use. This time I'm really seeking help from ella cause I just know I needed it the most at the moment.

[ - byeol - ]

Well... That's kind of suspicious...? Why would SHE ask where Sooyoung's gonna be at ? Didn't she like, y'know hates her or something ??? I really hope nothing bad's gonna happen to Sooyoung during her company retreat.

"Um, Sir, why did you tell her about Ms. Sophia's company retreat to her ?" I asked

"Well, it's not like she's going to do anything about it. If she tries to flirt with me then I'm throwing her out of the company" he simply replied

"Aren't you worried about Ms. Sophia though ?? I mean... I would be worried about it..." I asked

"Sophia have her friends with her and also other staffs from the agency so I don't really see a reason to worry" Joshua replied

Well... That does makes a lot of sense. But what is this uneasy feeling ?? I don't like it...

"Ah... That makes sense... Sorry if I was asking too much. I shouldn't really pry into others' businesses" I apologized

"It's alright. You were just worried about her right ? After all, you two are friends. That's understandable" said Joshua

"She also asked me to send her regards to you" he added

"Noted" I responded

Both of us went back to our own work, but I felt so uneasy about Eunji knowing where Sooyoung is. What if something bad happens to her ?? I seriously hope this is just a fluke, but just in case, I'll ask her to stay alert. I don't want anything bad happens to her like... She's been through a lot already, that's more than enough...

Arranged Marriage • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now