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Timeskip to training session.

Upon arriving to the same abandoned building for the training, you discovered a few motorcycles parked near the building. Weird, you thought only you and the gang knew about this place. You took out your helmet and placed it on the seat of your bike, approaching towards the bikes. You observed the design of the bikes and realised all of them have the same design. You thought they are probably from a gang too, but what are they doing here?

"HEY KID, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?", an aggressive voice shouted directly at you from above. Your head turned towards where that voice was from. "Nothing, who are y'all?", you replied back rudely to the men from above. All of them got furious and one of them stomped their way down to your level. "We are from (gang you dislike), who do you think you're talking to HUH?!", an annoying, self-centred member from the gang tried to look scary. "I'm [Full Name] from Tokyo Manjikai, nice to meet you", you smiled at them.

Obvious murmurs from above was heard and the person who tried to scare you is now slowly backing away, trying to look calm while shaking. "Why are you all here huh?", you still smiled as you walked nearer to the nervous man, looking like you're about to kill him.

"Well uh, it-it's for our practice haha", he answered you with an awkward laugh. "It's also our practice too, oh they're finally here !", you answered him with a death stare then your eyes lit up when you heard the familiar engine sounds.

"SHIT IT'S REALLY THE TOKYO MANJI GANG" "FUCK LET'S GET OUTTA HERE", then the group from above ran down as fast as they could and tried to escape.

"What were you all doing?", your boyfriend Mitsuya Takashi, steps in and stops them from escaping. "WE'RE SORRY FOR CAUSING YOU TROUBLE", all of them bowed to him and ran.
"Hey, hey, come back", Mikey, your leader hums and gestures at them to come back.

You laughed at the frightened men, they're probably pissing their pants now.

Those men were obedient and listened to Mikey's commands. They are now below on their knees, looking up at your leader, your captains and you. "I just wanted to know what did you all do to [Name]-kun", he smiled at them. They all hesitated until the leader of the gang spoke. "We thought no one will come to this building so we dropped by here until one of your members came and looked at our bikes. We thought [u/p] was/were gonna do something to our bikes and we didn't know [u/p] were/was from the gang. So we all tried to scare [u/p]", the leader replied. "PFT HAHAHAH", Mikey laughed at him. "YOU WERE TRYING TO SCARE [Name]?!" "ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?", Smiley joined Mikey and laughed at them.

The gang including the leader is now embarrassed, looking down at the ground.

"WHO ARE YOU EXACTLY?!", Draken mocked them and laughed. "OKAY OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO [Name]?", Chifuyu grabbed your shoulder and asked you, still with tears from laughing. "One of the members", you pointed at that member who tried to confront you just now. "Got scared when I told them I'm from Toman, he then backed away, looking like he was about to piss his pants", Chifuyu cut you with a loud ass wheeze. "SHUT UP CHIFUYU, WHAT ELSE", Draken took turns.
"I then asked him, 'What are you doing here huh?' and he fucking stuttered, saying they're here for practice", you then laugh loudly with Draken and Chifuyu together.

"Damn, you all think you're so big huh?", Mitsuya faced them and cracked his knuckles. Takemichi clicked his tongue repeatedly, making them more embarrassed. "Hey, hey calm down", Mikey said to your boyfriend with a 💅 gesture. "What gang are you guys from", Mikey kneeled down to their leader and looked at him. "We're from (gang you dislike)", he stuttered, forcing himself to look at your leader without shaking. "No wonder", Mikey got up. "Well, we'll let you all go this time", he paused, facing their back to them. He then faced them. "But if we see your faces involving with one of us again, you'll know what will happen", he glared at them with a death stare. All of them quickly apologised and fled away in their bikes.

"Pussies", your boyfriend said to you. You hummed in agreement.

A/N : I kinda like this one 😳

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