02- Taehyung

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In just one blink, i opened my eyes and found myself standing in the middle of the park. i didn't know what happened. im confuse. i can still remember i was visiting my ex boyfriend's grave. but why am i in a park ? what the actual shit ?

i scanned the whole place including everything and everyone around me

this is weird. am i dreaming ?everyone seems so real so its not a dream.

i saw this guy walking in the park. it looks like were on the same age but the height is different. i tried to approach him because his face is the only one who looks approachable compared to the people walking around.

"hey...um...im really sorry for approaching you like this, i just want to ask a question" i touched his shoulder and he looked surprised by my actions.

"uhh..okay ?" he answered giving me a slight smile telling me its okay.

Okay thank god he looks like a minion and not a dracula.

"umm..im really confused right now, so i just want to ask you why am i at the park ?" He gave me a confused look while scanning me from head-to-toe

"i-i don't know with you ?" he answered almost questioning me

"is this real ? or maybe just a dream ?cause if this is a dream i just wanna say nice to meet you because we won't be able to meet each other again when i wake up"

"ohh..umm..im sorry but i have to go. you should go home and rest if you're drunk" he gave me a small smile

"what !? im not drunk !! Im asking seriously" this is gonna be embarrasing but i tried to catch him up. he's the only one i talked to in this place so i have to follow him, he seems to be a good guy.

"what the fuck ? why are you following me ? are you crazy !?" he faced me with his annoyed face

"im sorry im not gonna do anything i promise. Im just so lost right now and i swear i am not drunk, i don't have a home to stay. and i don't know why im here" i said in fast pace trying to tell him that im safe and im not gonna harm him.

"Look, i don't even know you. why don't you just ask someone for help ?"
he answered.

"because you don't look scary so i assume your safe ?"

"i don't have time for your business i need to meet a friend can you just leave me alone and ask someone for help"

"no please ! don't leave me here. i don't know where i am." i begged.

"arghhh !!" he groaned

"just let me come with with you, i don't have a phone or a bag, or any clothes, there's no way im gonna do something to you. and i'll leave as soon as i figure out what's happening. Im Kim Taehyung. you can call me Taehyung and im 24 years old. im a good boy so please trust me and help me" i tried to convince him.

"fine ! im Park Jimin and were on the same age" he sighed deeply

"really ? that's great, we'll get along fast, im so sure of it"  i cheered loudly

"Come with me. im bringing you to my place, but i'll tell you. my roommate will kill me for bringing a stranger there" he rolled his eyes

"umm sorry" i giggled.

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