13- Suspicious

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[Jungkook's pov]

where the hell is taehyung ? what's taking him so long ?

hoseok went back inside alone. they both went outside for about 30 minutes and hoseok said that taehyung told him to go inside first.

"where's taehyung ? isn't he back yet ?" Jimin asked hoseok

"i-i don't know about that guy- i mean taehyung" he replied

"hold on guys i'll look for him" I stood up from my seat, and headed outside.

as i looked around outside i noticed something on the floor.

its a bracelet and it somehow looks familiar.

i went back inside with the bracelet in my hand. I wonder if hoseok knows who it belongs to. cause it looks like its from taehyung.

"hey guys ?" I catched all of their attention

"what's that in your hand kook ?" Namjoon asked.

"i found this bracelet outside. and it looks familiar, i think i've seen this before. hoseok is it taehyung's bracelet ?" we all looked at him

"u-umm...n-no, i don't think so ?" he gulped.

"kook let's head upstairs now, he'll come back soon. maybe he just left to get something in their world or wherever he went" yoongi shrugged

"without hoseok ?" I asked.

that doesn't make any sense, why would he leave hoseok behind and why would he not say anything to us if he's going back.

"its okay, you guys can go without me. i'll wait for him" I told them.

"kookie, he'll be fine. maybe he just walked outside to get some fresh air, he would've told us if he's going somewhere far" Jin gave me a reassuring smile

"yeah he would inform us for sure" yoongi added

im still not convinced that he just went somewhere. i know him.

they all went upstairs, i just sat down and rested my head on the couch. 

"Hey" jimin sat beside me.

"chim, im worried" i sighed

"I know you are, cause i am too" He placed his hand on my shoulder

"something's up. I can feel it" i fixed my position and faced jimin

"i noticed too" jimin looked upstairs.

i knew it, he was also observing a while ago. that's why he wasn't talking.

"tell me kook, tell me everything you've noticed a while ago" He became serious

"firstly, ever since we came back home hoseok wasn't talking at all. and im sure even aila noticed it. second. He suddenly called taehyung to talk outside and he went back inside alone. it took them 30 minutes outside and then i went outside too right ? i found a bracelet outside, and the bracelet was broken. its like someone pulled it. plus, that bracelet looks familiar"

"okay, do you have any pictures of taehyung ?"

"yes i do, when i simply took a photo of him while he was cooking our breakfast"

i pulled out my phone and showed him the picture

"there !! Its the same bracelet as him" Jimin pointed the bracelet that taehyung was wearing

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"there !! Its the same bracelet as him" Jimin pointed the bracelet that taehyung was wearing.

"okay but why was it there ? and why does hoseok doesn't know anything ?" I asked.

"that's suspicious" jimin added

"should we tell the others ?"

"no jungkook. Hoseok is upstairs he'll notice something. we have to figure it out on our own" jimin stopped me.

"come on let's go upstairs, they might notice something if we don't go there"

we both went straight upstairs and i notice something weird. why are they all so quiet.

"jimin, why are they not making any noise ? i mean...they usually fight and scream"

"I don't know either"

we opened the door and found ourselves standing in the middle of a dark room.

"jimin hyung what's happening" i held jimin's forearm and pulled me closer to him

"jungkook i don't know" he whispered.

"where are they ?" my voice are shaking

"scan the room, find something we can use as a weapon just incase something pops out" He ordered.

i scaned the whole room, and noticed something on top of the table.

a letter

"jimin..." i called him

"did you find something ?" he approached me

"w-were...not in our world" i muttered.

"what ?" He opened the lights and his eyes widened.

"were in taehyung's room and this is the letter his parents wrote for him" i showed him the letter that i was holding. I remembered taehyung told me about his parents. and the letter they wrote for him

"why are we h-"

"jungkook ? jimin ?" the door suddenly opened.

"TAEHYUNG !!!" we both said at the same time. we ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"taehyung! what's happening ? why are you here alone ?" jimin asked

I held his hand, and i dragged him into his bed to take a sit.

"i almost died, so i went back here" he replied

"died ? what happened ? and what's up with hoseok ?" jimin asked more

"hoseok...that's not him" He cried

i pulled his head into my neck. while stroking his back.

"shhh baby, im here its okay" I kissed his forehead.

"He told me that he wanted to talk to me outside right ? but then he went behind my back and he tried to choke me. i even broke my bracelet because i tried to fight him, i almost died...i can't breath anymore so i stepped really hard on his toe. that made him to release me, i was going to run inside when he grabbed my forearm and he pulled me closer to him. i tried to fight him again but i can't, so i closed my eyes and relaxed myself. as soon as i opened them i found myself here in this world again" he explained

"If that guy isn't hoseok....then where is the real hoseok ?" jimin asked curiously.

my mind is still trying to process everything and i think we forgot something but im not quite sure.

"hang on, how did you two get in here and where are the others ?" Taehyung asked.

oh no.

"we left them" we both said at the same time

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