Chapter One.

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*Jean's POV*

Today was the day.  Not just any day though.  It was the wedding day.  Oh, but not mine.  Haha, no.  Cupid has forgotten about me and I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that love will never find me.  I have accepted the dull reality that I will just be that old lady with like 80 cats.  Anyways, back to the topic at hand.  Today my best friend, Eleanor Calder, is getting married.  She is getting married to the only man I could ever see her spending her life with, Louis Tomlinson.  They have been together for as long as I have known El, and that's a while.

Let me back track for just a second.  El and I have been best friends for about six years.  El and I were studying at the same university, at the same time.  We had a lot of classes together, and when I noticed this, I brought it to her attention.  She noticed as well and suggested we get together to do homework and all that shazz.  I didn't hesitate.  See, I don't have many friends now and didn't have any at the time of meeting El.  So I was estatic when she said she wanted a study buddy.  Well, we started off as that, but when we actually got together, we found ourselves doing anything but that.  We always laugh when we're together, and we rarely fight.  We disagree on stuff, but nothing that could ever ruin our friendship.

Back to the present.  Even though El and I have grown to be the best of friends, I was not in the bridal party.  She wanted to have a small one, and it just consisted of her maid of honor who is a cousin of hers that she was close with.  She was nervous telling me because she didn't want me to hate her, but I was the complete opposite.  I totally understood and was not the least bit upset.  She still had me sit in the front row, so I could be close to her. I shook my head and chuckled at her, but sat where she wanted me to be.

As I was waiting for the ceremony to start, I saw Louis walk in, but following four boys, who were all... well... attractive.  The one that caught my eye was a blonde boy, I don't know why but I thought he was more attractive than the others.  He blonde hair was styled up in a quiff, with brunette roots.  His eyes were the color that could only be described as the color of the ocean.  They were a mesmorizing blue.  I watched as they all stood behind Louis, who was anxiously pacing back and forth in a tiny spot.  When I glanced back at the blonde boy, he was staring right back at me.  I quickly shifted my gaze somewhere else, while I tried to contain the crisim color that was rising to my cheeks.

*Niall's POV*

We were all getting ready in one of the rooms.  We were all wearing tuxes, with bowties.  All the boys were happy.  They all had their perfect girlfriends, Louis was getting married for Christ's sake. Meanwhile, I'm being shafted, yet again, because no one loves me.  No one really has.  It's fine, I never believed in love anyways. I'm more seeing than believing, and I have yet to see love, so yeah.  I mean, I guess Louis getting married is one way of showing it, but I still don't really believe in it.  It's all a fairytale, make believe. That shit just doesn't happen in real life.

Anyways, we were all ready to go and headed down to the church.  We filed in, one by one down the aisle.  Zayn, Liam, me, Harry, and Louis.  We have been best friends since I can remember.  We all did extremely well before university, the other four especially well with the ladies.  I was never that successful, but it is what it is. One of Harry's friends introduced Lou and El and they have been together ever since.  They have encountered some rough times, being at different colleges and all, but as we can see, they have overcome them.

As we were standing in line, trying to calm Louis down, you know how he over reacts, I looked up to see the most beautiful girl.  She had straight, dark brown hair and hazel eyes that were hidden by her glasses.  Usually, I am against glasses, I don't know why, but she somehow made them add to her beauty, if that's possible.  She looked to be tiny, both in height and weight.  Without heels, she couldn't be more than 1.6 meters tall, and had a model's skinnyness.  She was thin. After a few moments, her eyes were fixed back on me, but she easily looked at everything else.  I could see a faint pink appearing on her cheeks, and I smiled a little knowing I made her blush.

"Who are you staring at?" I heard Zayn ask, but I wasn't really paying attention.  I heard, but didn't process it.  Suddenly a hand started waving in front of my face and I snapped back to reality. "Huh? Wha?" I asked, looking at four sets of eyes staring at me.  "You think you might fancy her mate?" Liam asked from behind me.  "Fancy who? What are you talking about?" I said, getting really nervous and talking extremely fast.  Why am I getting nervous? Why are my hands starting to get clamy and why can't I stop looking at her? "Relax mate.  Everything will be fine." Harry said, a hint of mischeif in his voice? These boys are up to something...

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