Chapter Eleven.

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*Niall's POV* 

I sat, and sat, and sat. And waited for an answer that was taking too long to escape Jean's lips. It wasn't a difficult question, a simple yes or no. Though I would not be pleased with the latter. But nevertheless, I would accept which ever answer she chose. I just don't understand why she thought that she was unworthy of love. Something that every person yearns for, even if they say they don't want it. I mean, look at me. I never thought I would be the one to be completely and utterly in love, but yet, here I am. If I can do it, then why can't she?

As I stared her down, waiting an answer, she avoided my gaze. She took her bottom lip in her mouth and it looked like she was ponering. No matter how much I wanted her to be mine, I hoped she chose the right answer for her, even if it didn't include me being her boyfriend.

I was just about to say something, to help aid her in her decision when a loud clap echoed throughout the sky. I tore my gaze away from Jean only to see that the streets were completely deserted, with no one to be seen for miles. And as if someone turned a light switch on, sheets of rain fell from the sky. In no more than an instant, both Jean and I were drenched. The water rolling off our bodies, only to be replaced with a new droplet.

All of a sudden, I heard laughter. Her laughter, the music to my ears. I turned to look at her, and even completely drenched, she still took my breath away. Her bun matted to the top of her head, not even moving when she laughed. You could tell the sweatshirt was big on her, but it shrunk a bit, to cling to her body. Her laugh continued and it shook me out of my daze, and I just started laughing with her. I don't know why we were laughing, but once someone laughs, it's nearly impossible for you not to follow. We sat there for like a good two minutes just laughing our arses off.

Jean was the first one to start dying down her laughter, and I quickly followed. She held my gaze, while I held hers. My eyes instantly shifted to her lips, the last time my lips touched hers was under this light. Clearly this thing is my new good luck charm. Without my brain really controlling my body, I instantly started leaning to her. No matter how loud my brain screamed no, my body rebelled against it, saying yes.

As I was leaning in, my eyes shifted back to Jean's, hoping to read her expression. But her eyes were on my lips and it gave me the confidence to continue. I was just a few millimeters away from her and I saw her eyes flutter closed. My eyes mirrored hers and our lips connected. The sparks that were felt could have been enough to spark a fire. They were intense, but in the best way possible. She instantly started moving her lips with mine and our lips fit together like a puzzle. I smiled into the kiss, feeling her do the same.

After a moment, I pulled back, my eyes opening to a sight I would never get tired of seeing everyday. Her eyes were closed for a second longer, but she finally opened them. A smile began to form on her face and I could not take this any longer. "So what is your answer?" I breathed out.

*Jean's POV* 

I swear to god my mind and heart were pulling in two different directions and I didn't know which side should win. My mind was saying no, that I shouldn't go with Niall because he would just hurt me like every other person in my life. Could I really deal with that false hope that one day things are going to turn out okay, even when I knew they really wouldn't? Would I even want to torture myself with that? I mean, if that were to happen, I am basically ripping my own heart out and breaking it, I can't blame him.

But, then... There was my heart. My heart was saying that I should take the chance. Take a leap of faith. It was saying that yeah, there are people who are going to hurt you, but not everyone. I knew that it's a tough distinction, but it was worth the shot. Better to have loved and lost then never loved at all, right?

And in between those two extremes, was a little person just sitting, trying to decide which side to choose, because they understood both sides, but it is just confused about which one was the better option. And that little person was me. Why couldn't it be simple? Like a giant neon arrow pointing in the right direction. Why was that so complicated? 

But in all actually, I guess it wasn't that complicated. Because as soon as I finished analyzing both sides, the streetlights decided to go. And where were we? Right under one. Shining down on us, while the rain continued to fall. I looked up at it, my eyes squinting to keep the drops out of my eyes. I smiled up at it, internally thanking it for showing me which direction to follow. My neon arrow.

I moved my head back so I was looking right at Niall. He was watching me intently, probably wondering what was going on in that brain of mine. Honestly, I didn't know either, but I guess you just learned to roll with things. And that's exactly what I did. I rolled with it.

The word I spoke came out a little shaky and ragged, it was something I was not quite sure on, but I guess taking the risk was worth it. "Yes." I said, smiling as the word escaped my lips. A huge smile instantly sprang to life on Niall's face, obviously pleased with my answer. He encased my lips again with his, and the butterflies erupted in my stomach. It was like someone let thousands of them free in my stomach, but I didn't mind it though, no one had ever given me butterflies before.

It was weird, to say that I was in a relationship, but I guess it was something I would get use to. I didn't think the butterflies or sparks would ever go away, but I think I can easily live with that. It was amazing that in such a short amount of time, some one can teach some one so much. Niall taught me that not everyone is bad, not everyone is going to hurt me, and not everyone is going to leave. He also taught me to love. And that's something I never thought I would be able to learn. I never thought I could fall in love with someone, or someone could fall in love with me. But I guess that's just what I needed. I needed to learn how to fall.

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