Chapter Three.

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*Niall's POV*

 Why am I getting all tongue tied? She's just a girl.  Just ask her for coffee Horan.  Oh god, but her eyes, they are growing slightly, with anticipation and possibly shock.  She probably knows what I'm trying to say, but wants me to ask.  I don't know.  Just spit it out already!

"Would you like to get coffee sometime?"  There, I got it out.  Her eyes grew, and her lips were parted slightly.  Oh, no! I hope she doesn't think I'm asking her on a date.  I can't jump to that yet.  "Just as friends.  I'm honestly not trying to make a date out of this.  Promise." I added, and she looked like she calmed down.  She furrowed her brows a bit, and she grabbed the inside of her corner lip between her teeth.  After a minute, she gave me an answer.

"Um, yeah.  That would be nice.  El's the only friend I have, so it would be nice having another one."  She said with a soft smile. It hurt a bit, that she thought of me as just a friend, but honestly, why would she see me as any different?  No other girl has looked at me any other way before.  It hurts a lot though, coming from someone you love.  Wow.  Someone I love.  Weird.  Anyways...

"Um, do you want my number so you can call or text or whatever? I usually don't do much so I'm free all the time."  She said, chuckling at herself.  I thought that little laugh of hers was the cutest thing in the world. "Uh, yeah, that would be great actually." I said, handing her my phone, while she handed me hers.  I entered my number and gave her phone back.  She did the same.  "Um, thanks for everything tonight Niall.  You're excellent company." She said, quickly, stepping up on her tip toes and giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.  "Good night." She said, a smile spreading on her lips as she walked into her apartment building.

She had kissed my cheek, said good night, and walked inside all before I really processed anything.  The spot where her sweet little lips had touched, left a tingling sensation.  It was a good feeling though. A feeling I'm not use to having.  I walked back to my car, and drove the short ride to my apartment.  I had this goofy grin on my face since I left her apartment.  I really wanted to call the boys, but I knew they would be with their loved ones.  I'll talk to them tomorrow. Here is my slight dilhema... Because of what just happened, I can't fall asleep.  Now what am I suppose to do?

*Jean's POV*

Niall was a sweet boy, he was.  But he would never see me as anything more than just a friend.  I've learned to accept that about any guy that comes into my life.  There are so many better options out in the world, so why would anyone settle for just me? It would be good to have another friend though.  El's all I got, but now she's gonna be busy with her married life.  And I'm happy for her, I am, but now I'm left with no one.  Like now.  I need to call someone to tell them about this, but I have no one.  

With no one to vent to, I figured why not bring my frustration on a nice hot cup of Starbucks.  And what I love best about my apartment is that it's a block away from a 24 hour one.  Thank the Lord someone thought of these.  The walk was short, but a bit nippy.  The mid-March weather was very unpredictable.  Tonight it decided to be chilly.  I wrapped my coat closer to me, not like it could though.

As soon as I pushed open the heavy door, my nose was instantly greeted with the delightful scents that filled the cafe.  These scents always went unnamed, but were familiar and comforting to me.  "A grande hot chocolate, no whip cream please." I asked in a cheery voice.  The bored employee behind the counter did not reciprocate the action. She just handed me my drink and I paid.  I took a seat at one of the tables that didn't have the chairs stacked on it.

My back was to the door, but as I looked out the window, a head of blonde hair that seemed very familar came into my view.  He looks up and his icy blue eyes lock in with my dull hazel ones.  He can't help the smile that tugs at his lips and neither can I.  What's the odds of this happening?  He quickly walks into the cafe and walks up to me.  "What are you doing here, love?"  "Oh, ya know.  I couldn't really sleep, so I figured Starbucks would help." I said.  "Haha, what a coincidence, I couldn't sleep either and thought of the same thing.  I'll be right back."  He said and walked to the counter.  His chuckle is one that is contagious.  His smile is too.  God, it makes me melt.  Wait, stop it.  You're not suppose to fall for anyone.  I quickly turned back around and waited for him to join me.

*Niall's POV*

I couldn't sleep and hot chocolate has always been the one thing that calms me down.  Let me tell you, I'm glad I couldn't sleep because when I saw Jean sitting in Starbucks, I was shocked, but also happy.  I took this as an opportunity to maybe get to know her more.  I quickly got my hot chocolate and went back to her table.

"Friendly one we got there, huh?" I asked, talking about the extremely miserable Starbucks employee.  She giggled a little and nodded her head.  God, how I would love to make her giggle like that every day.  "So..." She asked, once an awkward silence had fallen on us. "So..." I said back.  I wasn't really sure what to do, and I don't think she did either.  "Tell me about yourself."  She said, taking a sip of her beverage.

And that's what I did.  I told her a general outline of my life, of the ups and downs I had to face.  I tried asking her about her life, but she seemed distant, and didn't really want to talk about it much.  I asked why she came to England in the first place, and again she avoided that question. I decided I wasn't going to push it.  I don't want to pry into her life.  It's not my business, but I want to make things right.  I can tell there's something eating at her.  There's little sparkle to her eyes.  I am determined to get it back.

We talked for what seemed like hours, but who knows how long it actually was.  We talked about random things.  I tried explaining football(soccer) to her, but she didn't really understand.  She said the only sport she knew was hockey.  It was her life.  I told her she'd have to teach me all about it sometime and she happily agreed.

After a bit longer, she started to yawn continuously, which in turn, made me yawn.  We both agreed it would be best to head home.  I wanted to walk her back to her apartment, but she said she would be fine.  We argued wtih this for like a good five minutes before I gave up.  We departed at the coffeeshop, with a quick good bye.  I don't know why, but again, I had this stupid little grin on my face.  God, if this is what love does, I don't think I want this anymore.  But then again, it is for her.  Maybe I'll stay with this for a little bit longer.  I drifted into sleep thinking that love may actually work out well for me... Just this once.

learning to fall. ➳ horan.  [short story]Where stories live. Discover now