Chapter Two.

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*Jean's POV*

The ceremony was beautiful.  It brought tears to my eyes, but I was smiling throughout the entire thing.  El was gorgeous, as always.  After the ceremony, her and Louis took off to take their pictures, which I'm sure will most like be funny, but adorable.  I was left with no one to know, and was sitting all alone at my table for the reception.  I was just sitting there, twirling the fork with my finger, when I heard a cough from behind me.  The fork immediately fell to the table as I turned around, startled.

I was not expecting the people who stood behind me.  They were Louis' friends, with their drop dead gorgeous dates.  All except for the blonde one, who I thought was attractive, had one.  I didn't think much of this though.  I mean, a gorgeous guy like him has to have someone and I'm sure she just couldn't come.  "Um, hi." I awkwardly say, as I slightly waved.  "Uh, hey.  You're El's friend?" One of the dates said, her hair was very curly, but it looked absolutely amazing on her.  "Um, yeah I am. Is there something I can help you with?" I asked, wondering what the hell they were doing talking to me. "Oh, no.  We were just wondering.  This is our table, but I'm guessing it's also yours.  So I guess we're table buddies." Another girl said, her hair was purple, but she was totally able to rock it.

They all sat down, the blonde one sat on my left, and a girl with beautiful blonde hair to my right.  Followed was a curly haired boy, the girl with purple hair, a boy with black hair that was styled messy but sexy, a boy with really short brown hair, and the girl with the really curly hair. They all introduced themselves.  Juliet, Harry, Perrie, Zayn, Liam, Danielle, respectively.  The blonde haired one was Niall and he was trying to hide a faint blush that was creeping to his cheeks.  I told them who I was and they were all fascinated by me and my story.  I asked them a lot about how they knew Louis too.  They were all the best of friends it seemed and have been that way since they were little.

After a while, an awkward silence fell upon us because we kind of ran out of things to talk about.  I was very vague with my answers, because I don't like talking about myself.  It makes me sound selfish.  Well, after a minute or so, the couples started talking to each other, or other couples, leaving Niall and I out of it.

I thought I might start a conversation to not make things awkward, but he already had that in mind.  "So... why are you here all alone?" He asked.  Ah, the only question I had avoided the entire night.  "I could ask you the same question you know."  I saw something unrecognizable dance across his eyes, but in an instant, it was gone.  "Well, if you must know, I don't have anyone. What's your excuse?" He asked, gaining a bit of confidence. "I'm in the same boat as you." I said, trying to gain a bit of his confidence. His eyes sparkled a bit and a grin started to appear on his face.  

Before I could even question it, I heard a thunderous amount of applauding and Lou and El walked in.  God, she was glowing, sparkling, just so happy.  I wish I could be like that, but I don't think love will ever work for me like that.  Once everyone settled down, they both thanked everyone for coming.  Only their parents gave speaches, and I was grateful because I hate public speaking.  After that, an appetizer was served and then it was time for dancing.

*Niall's POV*

I don't think anyone was as happy as I was when I found out that this mystery girl, who I now know to be Jean, was sitting at our table.  I don't know what's going on with me, but I just feel myself needing her.  I don't know what this weird feeling is and I'm not sure if I like it.  While everyone was out dancing, Jean and I hung back.  "So why are you single?" I blurted out.  I don't know where that came from, and I can see that she was just as taken back from the question as I was.  She quickly composed herself and answered with a sad tone in her voice.  "Eh, cupid has kinda forgotten about me.  I am a hopeless romantic and I wish that I could be that girl in those romantic comedies, but I know that it's all just a fantasy and none of it can come true." 

It's nice to see that someone else shares my views on love, how it can never be real and it's just for movies.  But there was something about her that made me want to believe that it actually could find a way into reality.  There was a part of me that wanted to help her hopeless romantic side.  She was sitting there, with her head held in the palm of her hand, while the elbow that was supporting her head rested on the table.  She was staring off into the distance that was right infront of her, even though it was just a wall.  She seemed lost in thought and I found it absolutely adorable.

We were both taken out of our thoughts when El shouted to Jean.  Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I whipped my head around to see Louis.  He had a mischievous grin on and was staring at El who was pulling Jean away from me.  "So mate, what do you think?" Louis asked, once Jean was gone.  "About what? Your wedding? Come on man, you know I don't do this sorta thing." I replied, trying to shake the thoughts I was having.  "No, not about my wedding.  About her? Jean!" He asked, and this took me back for a second. "Don't deny it man.  You can not believe in love all you want, but you feel something you've never felt before in the bottom of your stomach right?  Every little thing she does seems to make you happy and the way she smiles or laughs just makes your stomach erupt with butterflies."

To be honest, I had thought about it.  The way I was just thinking about her sitting here, I thought it was adorable.  And when she was joking around earlier, it did bring a smile to my face.  And ever since I saw her, my stomach has been filled with butterflies and is doing back flips like it's in the Olympics.  I was hesitant at first, but I had to ask.  "How- How did you know Lou?" My voice was shaky and I was confused as hell. "Because... it's how I feel about El.  Most people call it love, you call it what you want to make yourself feel better.  Gotta do dance with my wife now." He said, jumping up from his seat and he made his way to the dance floor, grabbing El from behind, and twirling her to face him.  He brought their lips together and they were both smiling into the kiss.

Love? I can't be in love with Jean.  I mean, we just met.  How can it be?  Oh, there was that saying... Oh god, I don't remember what it was. But I can't be in love.  No.  It's not me, not Niall James Horan.  But then, my eyes shifted to where Jean was dancing with the other girls, laughing and having a grand ole time.  She did make my heart beat faster and I thought like I was going to melt.  But this can't be love.  It's never happened to me before.  But Louis said it was.  But what does he know? But then again, he did get married, maybe he knows what he's talking about... I just don't know.


The wedding was coming to an end and was still indifferent with myself on what I was feeling.  The whole night I just wanted to be with Jean.  She was like a drug and no matter how hard I tried to stay away, I always found myself wanting to be around her.  Maybe this was love, I'm mean, Louis did say that's how he felt about El and we all know how in love they are.

By the time Jean was getting ready to leave, I had come to the conclusion that it was love.  There is no other explanation.  She had stupidly come with El to get ready in the morning, and said she would get a taxi to take her home. To many people's surprise, I had stayed sober the entire night, and only had one glass of champagne.  I didn't want to say anything stupid to Jean.  I was walking up to her, as she was trying to hail a taxi, with no such luck.  "Jean!" I called out to her.  She turned around to see me, a slight smile pulling on her lips.  "What's up Ni?" She said, becoming familar with one of my nicknames.  "I was wondering, and not to sound like a total creeper, but why don't you let me take you home? That way you won't have to pay for a taxi." I said, with a smile on my lips.  "No, I don't-" She tried to say but I cut her off.  "Nonsense, come on." I said, grabbing her wrist and walking her to my car.

I opened the door for her, which she thanked me for, and got in.  I quickly walked around to the driver's side of the car and asked for directions.  I soon realized that she lived by me.  Weird, I have never seen her, but she apparently lives three blocks away from me.  The ride was mostly silent, except for our breathing.  I pulled up in front of her apartment complex and jumped out.  I opened the door for her again, and held my hand out.  She gladly took it, as it helped her get out of my car.  I decided to be a gentleman and walk her to her door.

It was getting awkward and I didn't like it.  I didn't want to leave her, but I knew I had to.  But I have to see her again.  "Well, thanks for the lift.  It would have cost an arm and a leg to get here via taxi." She said, giggling at her own comment.  I chuckled too.  "It's not a problem.  But, I- Um- I have a question." I stumbled out.  Now is not the time to be getting nervous.  She looked at me with big eyes and I started to melt.  They were trying to peek out from behind her glasses and she just looked so adorable.  Focus Horan! "Would- Would- Would you- like- to... um..."

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