Chapter Four.

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*Jean's POV*

It's been two days since the wedding.  And also two days since Niall and I ran into each other at the coffee shop.  I will admit that it was quite weird that both Niall and I could not fall asleep and decided on Starbucks. Two days ago, Niall was just a stranger, and he still kind of is, but I know a bit about him.  

I knew he moved to London because him and his brother, Greg, were always arguing and fighting.  His parents thought it would be best if they separated for a bit.  They sent Niall to live with some family over here.  That's when he met Louis and his other friends.  They all instantly connected and have been as close as brothers.  He told me his beliefs on love, or the lack there of.  I thought it was strange until he told me why.  I understand, but I don't think you should cut out love completely.  Love works in mysterious ways and you just have to accept it.

He tried getting to know me, and that's when I shut down.  He can't know anything about my life.  El doesn't know much either, let alone why I moved to London.  She tried to ask and I just shut her off too.  She understood and never asked again.  Niall did the same.  And I appreciate it. I feel like if I don't talk about it, then I will forget it.  That's what I'm hoping for anyways.

Today, I decided to be productive.  I know.  It's a shocker.  But I was getting tired of my couch.  I headed out into the city, in hopes to find a job.  See, I want to own my own cupcake bakery.  But just like everything else in the world, it costs money to get it started.  Well, most bakeries won't hire someone who did not go to culinary school.  And not to sound full of myself, but I don't need it.  I know how to bake and decorate cupcakes fairly well.

See, I had to pay for college myself, because... Well, I just had to pay for it myself.  While I did get a lot of financial aid, it's still expensive to go to college.  With all these student loans, I cannot afford to attend culinary school, so I can prove to the bakeries that I can do it.  I wish I could show them, instead of relying on my application.  But no.  That's the only thing these bakeries look at.

Well, after going to three different bakeries and handing them my application and resume, I decided to call it a day.  I know, I'm lazy.  As I was walking home, my phone started going off.  I was hoping it would be Niall, but to no such luck.  It was an unknown number.  I was hesitant to answer, but decided that I should, maybe it was a bakery.

"Hello?" I asked.  "Hi, is this Jean, El's friend?" A cheery voice asked on the other end.  "Depends on who's looking for me." I said, being the smartass that I am, seeing as though it's not a bakery.  "Well, could it be if I told you this is Danielle?  I'm Liam's girlfriend.  Liam is one of Louis' friends."  This so called Danielle said.  I think I remember her from the wedding.  "The really pretty curly haired one?" I asked, just to make sure.  "Yup, that's me." She replied back.  "Well, then yes. It's Jean.  What can I do for you Danielle?" I asked, I was really curious. "First, call me Dani.  Only my parents call me Danielle.  Second, El gave me your number.  I don't want you think I'm some crazy creepy person."  We both chuckled at this. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to join me and some friends for a little get-together tonight?"

Hmmm... Going out? Not really my thing.  But she seems nice.  Am I going to really turn down a potential friend?  "Who else is going? And what would we be doing?  If you don't mind me asking."  "It's just gonna be a little gathering at my friend's place.  Not too many people.  The other girlfriends.  And the other boys." She said the first part perfectly fine, but mumbled about the other boys. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see Niall again.  But then again, he hadn't spoken to me in two days.  He might not like me.  But I'll never know if I don't talk to him.

I was in the middle of a mini internal debate, but was pulled from it when Dani asked if I was still on the line.  "Wha? Yeah.  Sorry, I was thinking.  I guess I'll go.  There's no harm in it, right?" I said.  As soon as I said this, she squealed at the other end of the line.  "Oh yay.  Okay, why don't you text me your address and I will pick you up, around seven sound good?" She asked.  I nodded my head and realized she couldn't see it.  "Uh, yeah.  Sounds good. See you then." I said.  "Okay, see you tonight." She replied and that was the end of our conversation. Tonight should be interesting.

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