Chapter Five.

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*Niall's POV*

I was leaning in, she wasn't leaning away. This was a good thing, right? Our faces were just millimeters away and I was just about to brush my lips with hers, but there was a disturbance. More like six.  There was an awkward cough coming from one of the lads, and I intend on killing whoever it was.  This cough caused Jean to back away, and look down at the stone floor, with a bright pink color flooding her cheeks. While she did that, I turned to glare at the six innocent looking faces.

"There you two are.  We have been looking every where for you.  We thought we were playing hide-and-seek.  You guys were suppose to find us.  Not the other way around." Liam said, a smirk tugging at his lips.  "Sorry... Liam is it? Sorry, I'm still getting use to your names. But we were looking for you, but we came out here and I got distracted by the view." Jean said, finally lifting her head up to look at everyone.  "Clearly Niall was distracted by something else." Harry mumbled, which caused the girls to giggle. 

"What was that?" Jean asked, sounding innocent, meaning she probably didn't hear it. "Nothing. Let's go back inside, yeah? It's getting chilly out here." Zayn said, his arm wrapping around Perrie's waist, guiding her back into the house.  The other two boys going to their loves, following in Zayn's actions.

Jean started walking back in as well, while I just stood there.  I thought I might be able to get her to start feeling something, but whoever coughed ruined everything.  I thought my friends were suppose to help me, not hurt me.  Jean stopped and turning around, a slightly confused expression on her face.  "You coming Ni, or are you just gonna stand here and turn into an icicle?" She asked, giggling a little.  That giggle, it's honestly music to my ears.  Everything about her is a drug and I need more.  I had to pull myself out of my trance, while she stood there, a puzzled look on her face.  "Yeah, sorry.  I'm coming.  Just stuck in thought. I'm good." I said, walking towards her.  With that, she turned around and headed towards the house. 

Throughout the night, nothing else happened.  Jean stuck to talking to the girls a lot, but would still talk to us as well.  What is it with girls instantly connecting with each other?  Jesus, why couldn't we have that connection?!  Jean didn't drink too much, and only had a glass of white wine.  That's totally fine, I'm not gonna make her want to do something she doesn't want to do.

It was getting close to two a.m. and Jean wanted to go home.  I don't blame her, it was kind of late.  Dani offered to take her home, but Jean decided against it.  She didn't want to take anyone away from the party.  I would be lying if I said I felt comfortable with her walking home, all alone, at two o'clock in the morning, but she promised to call me when she got home. With that, she said her goodbyes and left.

And as soon as she did, I pounced.  "Which one of you ruined the moment?" I growled, glaring at the three boys who had smiles displaying their faces.  "We have no idea what you're talking about Niall." Harry said, nonchalantly.  "Oh you do.  Spit it out.  One of you did it.  It was too deep to be one of the girls." I said, still glaring at them.  "Well think of it this way Nialler.  Who ever did it, saved you.  How you may ask? Because now you'll leave her wondering how it would have been.  Now she'll make sure to kiss you to see how it is." Liam said, smiling proudly.  It was him.  

Maybe he did have a point though... Maybe she'll make the next move.

*Jean's POV*

I wasn't kidding when I said tonight would be interesting.  Y'all think I'm crazy, I know.  But it turns out that I am right, most of the time.  They offered to take me home, but I decided against it.  I wanted to walk home, to think about tonight. 

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