Chapter Six.

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*Niall's POV*

To say I was freaking out, would be the biggest fucking understatement of the year.  Jean has not called me.  And yes, the worst possible thoughts start flooding my mind.  I didn't want to be a bother and have the constant calling, because if the worst did happen, it wouldn't help.  Plus, she's not mine, so it's not like I should be concerned, but I am because, well yeah.  She's the love of my life.  What do you expect?

I got no sleep last night because of my mind constantly racing.  I have been pacing my living room back and forth, in hopes to calm my nerves, but this proved to be pointless. My phone started ringing and I immediately bolted towards it, in hopes that it would be Jean and I could calm down.  When I looked at the caller I.D. and saw that it was Liam, my mind went with the very worst thing possible and it was all over the news.  I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hello?" I asked, shakily.  "Hey mate." Liam said in a cheery voice, trying to cheer me up, but to no avail. "Hey Li, what's up?" I asked, sighing a little at the end.  "Just calling to let you know that Dani is talking to Jean. She's perfectly fine.  She just passed out as soon as she got home.  You can relax now mate."  Liam said, and with that, my body instantly relaxed and a huge sigh escaped my lips.  She was safe.  Thank the lord.

 "Oh thanks Liam.  I was getting really nervous and expecting the worse and yeah." I said, saying it a little to fast, even though I was calm.  I could hear Liam chuckling lightly at my slipt-second ramble.  "It's fine, Ni.  Seeing as though things are good, and I can hear Dani talking about a girls day out or whatever, wanna do a guys day out?"  "Yeah, that sounds good.  Just tell me the time and the place and I'll be there." I said, getting a little excited about time with just the boys.  "We'll meet at the Starbucks by your house, in about two and a half hours.  Start off with coffee to energize us and then we can think of things from there." Liam said happily.  "Sure thing Li.  See you then." I said, and went to have myself a little powernap.

*Two and Half Hours Later*

I was causually walking down the street, taking in the sweet spring-time smells.  Even though we were in the city, spring always had a way of making its presence known.  People who had window troughs always planted beautiful flowers that would last all through the summer and now you could see the tiny green stems poking through the deep, rich soil.

Even though spring is not my favorite season, there is something about it that is remarkable.  After all the harsh, cold and dreary-ness of winter, spring brings life and brightness.  No matter what has occurred in the season before, flowers start to bloom, trees start to blossom, animals return from their winter sleep.  It's somewhat of a joyous time in the world.  

I finally reached the Starbucks and decided to keep my opinions about the changing weather to myself. As I was pushing open the door, I received a text message.  I looked down towards my pocket and reached for my phone.  Not paying any attention, I pumped into someone.  "Oh I'm so sor-" I started to say, lifting my head to be met with those hazel eyes.  Those hazel eyes that were the perfect combination of bright jade and chocolate brown. I lost all train of thought when I saw her, my breath getting caught in my throat.

"Hi Niall." She said, getting a bit shy.  "Hi Jean." I replied, regaining any strength I had to get those two simple words to come out. "I'm sorry for never calling you back last night.  For some reason I just crashed on my couch.  And I'm sorry for bumping into you just now.  I wasn't paying attention." She said, a small smile spreading on her face.  I returned it.  "It's not a problem.  You must have been really tired, but it's totally fine.  And don't worry about this, I wasn't looking where I was going either."  I replied back to her.

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