Chapter 22

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"Why did you get a dog?" 

Ada sat in another session with her new therapist, Dr. Uuka Jabavu. After the final incident with the last one, Steve thought it was appropriate to get her one that she liked much better. Dr. Jabavu was an immigrant from a small country in Africa. He learned at a university in his native country, but he moved to America to practice. 

"I, uh, read some articles that said dogs help improve emotions in people. I guess I convinced myself a dog would help me stabilize my emotions by putting me in better moods. If I'm in better moods, then I don't think I'll shift as uncontrollably," Ada explained as she looked down at the nine week old German Shephard puppy, dubbed Shadow, that laid by her side. "I don't know what's happening with my own mind. Killian said one word and I started to shift. I've-uh-never shifted completely, not like I saw in that video."

"Are you afraid?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone," she confessed. 

"Do you think, if you were to shift completely, you would hurt someone?"

"When I started to shift after Killian said that word, I couldn't see anything. I could smell my dad and hear him, but it wasn't clear. Like it was starting to fade. It was like...I was being pushed out of my own body."

Dr. Jabavu pursed his lips slightly as he pondered her answer. He had never dealt with anything like this before, normally just people with emotional instabilities, whether due to a tragic event or just an innate disorder, but he did not know how to deal with a young, supernatural woman who had been missing for five years, was experimented on, has some issues with her father, and did not even know at times what was going on inside her head. 

"Have you tried any of the calming techniques we've talked about?" 

"I haven't been stressed a lot lately. It's just been Steve, Shadow, and me at the apartment. I don't really like getting out too much if it's not therapy." 

"No hobbies or anything?" Dr. Jabavu raised a brow. 

Ada shook her head. 

"Have you ever thought about using your abilities for good?" 

She glanced down at the small puppy by her side that very patiently waited. She stroked the top of his head. 

"I don't know if anyone could handle me if I got out of control," she admitted.

"Captain Rogers found that exercise and working with SHIELD has helped him. I know the two of you already live together, but he could also be the one who could best handle you if you were to lose control."

Ada said nothing as her gaze turned back to the floor. Dr. Jabavu sighed as he tried to reason with the girl.

"Look, I know it's hard for you. Everything you've been through has been tough, but it is not healthy for you to lock yourself up in an apartment while you wait for your next session."

"I know," she mumbled in slight embarrassment.

"I think we've covered a lot today. I'll let you think over some things and we'll check back in next week." 


Ada sat in front he coffee shop as she waited for Jackson. He had agreed to meet her today and his schedule allowed. She just needed someone...normal - well as normal as a celebrity could be. There was no billionaire in a suit of armor, super soldier, or an assassin, just someone who had a life that did not revolve around super heroes. Shadow sat underneath her feet with his head laid on top of his large paws. 

The bell to the door rang, she turned to see Jackson coming in to the coffee shop. He spotted Ada and strolled over to her. She stood up and hugged him. He paused as her arms found her way around him and soon reciprocated the hug. He pulled away and sat down across from her. 

Shadow's head lifted and he let out a small yap at Jackson. 

"Whose this little guy?" Jackson asked.

"This is Shadow. I just got him," Ada smiled as she looked down at the puppy. She scratched behind his ears. 

Jackson chuckled slightly at the German Shepherd. Ada beamed as she looked back up at Jackson, but his face had a slight grimace. 

"So, listen," he started. "I met someone else." 

Ada froze as her smile disappeared. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Whatever we had, we were just kids. I mean I couldn't wait on you forever." 

"Is that why you kissed me when I got back? You promised everything would be okay," she seethed. 

"Listen, we can't pretend that we thought this would work out," he reasoned. 

"Unbelievable," Ada scoffed as she stood up. "You said we'd be okay. You said you'd wait. You're just a liar." 

Shadow let out another bark at Jackson as Ada stormed out of the cafe. 


"Ada?" Steve called out as he walked in. "I'm home."

He received no response. Shadow came running towards him, and Shadow pawed at Steve's legs. Steve petted the top of his head as he looked up for his owner. 


Steve stood, and Shadow ran to the kitchen. Steve's brow furrowed. He went to the kitchen to find Ada sitting at the table with a glass of red wine in her hands.

"Ada!" he took the glass from her hands. "What the hell are you doing? Where'd you even get this?"

"I'm drinking, and dad gave it all to me as a 'just in case' stress reliever thing," she stated.

There was no slur or any signs that she had been drinking. He looked around and saw the partially drank red wine bottle along with a bottle of vodka and a bottle of tequila sitting next to her, both of which were empty.

"Did you drink all of this?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yep," she responded, popping the p.

"And you're not drunk?"

"Like yourself, Steve, apparently some of the stuff they did to me increased my metabolism so much that I have a protective system that regenerates cells so quick that I can't get drunk. Dad's 'just in case' stress reliever doesn't work for me. "

"You still shouldn't have done that."

"It's legal for me to get hammered drunk if I want to, except I guess I can't." Tears welled up in her eyes as her hands buried themselves in her hair.

"Ada," he lifted her chin up and then wiped away her tears with his thumb. "What happened?"

"Jackson found someone else. My life is falling apart," she choked out. 

Steve then brought her in for a hug. She buried her nose into her chest. 

"I just want my dad," she sobbed out. 

"I know. I know," he rubbed circles into her back. "It's a lot, but you just got to push through."

"Can I come on your next mission?" she pulled back and asked. 

"Sure, whatever you want," he smiled. "You go take a shower. I'll order some food." 

Ada nodded as she trudged off to the shower. She and Steve ate in silence that night, but it was a much needed calm for Ada.

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