Chapter 10

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"Hello?" Happy's voice rang through the lab, while Ada did research on the powers she still didn't know how to control.

"Is this Forehead of Security?" Tony asked.

Ada looked to see only Happy's forehead showing on the screen. She chuckled as she continued her research.

"What?" Happy furrowed his brows. "You know, look... I got a real job. What do you want? I'm working. I've got something going on, here."

"What, harassing interns?"

"Let me tell you something. Do you know what happened when I told people I was Iron Man's bodyguard?" Happy asked."They would laugh in my face."

Tony began chuckling at Happy's statement.

"I had to leave while I still had a shred of dignity. Now I got a real job. I'm watching Pepper."

"What's going on? Fill me in."

"For real?" Happy asks.

"Yeah,"Tony responded.

"All right. So, she's meeting up with this scientist. Rich guy. Handsome," Happy starts debriefing.


"I couldn't make his face, at first. Right? You know I'm good with faces," he continued

"Oh, yeah, you're the best," Ada interrupted their conversation.

She really wasn't paying attention to what they were doing just following her dad around while she looked up what was happening to her on a laptop.

"Yeah. Well, so I run his credentials. I make him. Aldrich Killian. We actually met the guy back in... Where were we in '99?"

"The science conference? Um... "


"Right, right, exactly."

"Killian," Ada reminded.

She was their with them and remembered the spastic man.

"No... I don't remember that guy. "

"Of course you don't remember. He's not a blond with a big rack. At first, it was fine. They were talking business. But now it's, like, getting weird. He's showing her his big brain."

"His what?" Ada furrowed her brow.

"Big brain. And she likes it. Here, let me show you. Hold on. See?"

Ada looked at the screen to still see Happy's forehead.

"Look at what? You, watching them?" Ada joked.

"Flip the screen, and then we can get started," Tony stated.

"I'm not a tech genius like you. Just trust me. Get down here," Happy was getting frustrated.

"Flip the screen. Then I can see what they're doing."

"I can't! I don't know how to flip the screen!"

Ada froze as she finally found some website with information on her abilities.

"You're not my boss. All right? I don't work for you. And I don't trust this guy. He's got another guy with him. He's shifty."


"Seriously? "

"I'm just asking you to secure the perimeter. Tell them to go out for a drink or something," Tony shrugged.

"You know what? You should take more of an interest in what's going on here. This woman's the best thing that ever happened to you and you're just ignoring her," Happy fussed.

"A giant brain?"

"Yeah. There's a giant brain. There's a shifty character. I'm gonna follow this guy. I'm gonna run his plates and I'm gonna... You know, if it gets rough, so be it. "

"I miss you, Happy, and so does dad, " Ada spoke with a shaky breath.

"Yeah, I miss you, too. But the way it used to be with Tony. Now you're off with the super-friends. I don't know what's going on with you any more," Happy shook his head.

"The world's getting weird," Ada reminded.

"Hey! I hate to cut you off. Do you have your Taser on you?" Tony asked.


"I think there's a gal in H.R. who's trying to steal some printer ink. You should probably go over there and zap her," Tony placed the phone in the wine cellar.

"Yeah, nice," Happy frowned.


Spencer knocked on the door.

"Ada, it's me. You called?" Spencer spoke.

"Come in," Ada answered.

Spencer opened the knob and made his way in, closing the door behind him.

"I think I know what's going on with me," Ada started.

"Really? That's great! So, what's going on?"

"I did more research into what they did," Ada continued.

She pulled up a laptop.

"Half of the stuff on their was a cover up, or not even close to what's really going on."

Ada pulled up the file. Spencer's eyes almost popped out of his head.

"That...that's you?" he stuttered.


"What did they do to you?"

"They messed with cross species genetics apparently. I'm some sort of hybrid, I guess, but I can don't know how to control it or where it even is inside of me."

"Honestly, you're terrifying me right now."

Ada looked at the picture of her on her laptop.

"I'm terrifying myself," she shook her head. "I mean, I just found out I can turn into that, and it honestly scares me at how little sleep I am running on right now."

Spencer froze in his place.

"I don't know what I am. I don't know how to control it. All I know is that I'm dangerous," Ada admitted as she looked at a video now playing on her computer.

It was one of her viciously attacking one of her captors.

"And I'm afraid I might kill someone."

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