Chapter 3

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Ada's eyes scanned over the information on Jackson. She remembered everything about him up until her disappearance. He was now a big time actor with several movies under his belt. He was still very good looking. The piece of information that got her the most was what happened to him right after the disappearance.

He apparently went into a state of deep depression, and wouldn't even come out if his house or talk to anyone. The only time people saw him outside was when he was trying to ease his mind with basketball. And he never dated another girl.

It showed a picture of him at his worst, and she was shocked. She remembered him being well built and muscular with tan skin, but he had become skinny and pale in a matter if a few months.

She closed out of the tabs and went back into the room with Spencer.


"Please tell me that you can track her phone," Tony sighed.

"We have a location. We are sending several agents and Cap to get them," Nick explained.

Tony nodded.

"I'm going to get my daughter back," he muttered to himself.


Steve Rogers stood punching a punching bag as hard as he could. He kept on punching, letting all his anger out on the bag.

"Might want to save up, Cap," a voice spoke.

He paused and turned to see Nick Fury.

"Here with another mission?" he asked as he continued to punch the bag.

"Of sorts," Nick started.

Steve stopped and turned to look at him. He raised a brow.

"Nothing too dangerous, I think. Just a pick up, pretty much," Nick explained.

"Pick up?" Steve questioned.

"You weren't out of ice for this. But Stark had a daughter when he first started out as Iron Man. She was injured in his battle against Iron Monger. So, Agent Coulson took her to a hospital. We don't know how or why, but the next day she was missing. We looked all over for her. She disappeared without a trace and was eventually presumed dead. However, recent events say otherwise," he held up a phone and played the video Ada had posted.

"How old?" Steve asked.

"Biologically or Chronologically?"

Steve furrowed his brows.

"She was 15 when she was kidnapped, now we're guessing they froze her, because she looks like she hasn't aged a day. She should be around 20," Nick elaborated. "We have a location on her and need you to go and get her out of that place."


"I hate solitare!" Spencer groaned.

"What do you expect from a card game build for the lonely?" Ada laughed.

Spencer chuckled at this. He put all of the cards back in a stack. He instead looked at his own file. They kept records on both of them, and Spencer decided to look at them.

"So...what else did you find out from the files?" Ada asked.

"I found out what they did to us," Spencer smiled.

"What did they do to us?"

Ada's interest was now peaked. She still didn't know what was behind her healing herself in the shower.

"They enhanced us," he started. "I apparently have telepathy, but I have no clue how to do it, so."

"Well I don't know whatever's going on with me," Ada sadly laughed. 

"Anyways, let's get looking," Spencer opened up Ada's file, only to find some charred papers in there. 

Both of their eyes widened as they looked at it. Every hope of knowing what could have happened to her was gone, diminished to ash. 

"I guess they didn't want anyone to know," Spencer whispered softly. "I'm sorry."

Ada shook her head. "It's not your fault. This is all crazy anyways. I just wanted a normal life with my dad, but he got kidnapped, and it all went downhill."

"The important thing is you can get that back when you get to go back home," Spencer reminded.

Ada was bout to respond, but a noise brought their attention elsewhere.


Steve flew his jet over the barren land of the Middle East. He looked down at the clear land, until a small, singular building came into view. He began his descent towards the ground.

He gently landed and stepped out of his jet. The other jet soon landed that held the agents, and whatever restraints were needed for the kids here, as it was unknown if they would act hostile or not. He began to walk towards the facility with his shield in hand. He arrived at the door.

He reached for the knob and twisted it, but it didn't budge. He then used his shield to hit it and break it. The piece of metal fell to the ground. He opened the door to a seemingly vacant facility. Steve stepped cautiously in.

He lifted his shield for protection, if needed, and made his way on. The agents behind him lifted their guns in case they were called for. Most of the guns contained tranquilizer darts, anyway, as a precaution.

Laughter and talk filled their ears as they made it deeper into the facility. Steve turned a corner and held his fist up, signaling the agents to stop. He looked around the corner to see two kids sitting there. One was a girl, most likely Tony's daughter, Ada, while the other was a boy.

"This is all crazy. I just wanted a normal life with my dad, but he got kidnapped, and it all went downhill," Ada shook her head.

"The important thing is you can get that back when you get to go back home," the boy reminded.

One of the younger SHIELD agents coughed. Steve turned with wide eyes as all of their conversation stopped. He looked back at the kids to find them both walking towards them. The boy stood in front as they turned the corner. Their eyes grew in fear and shock as they saw the agents and Cap.

"Ada run!" the boy yelled.

Ada turned and ran the other way. Cap began to chase after her, but the boy blocked his way.

"Son, move," he ordered.

"Like I'm gonna let you-"

One of the agents shot a dart at him and he fell limp to the ground.

"Two of your stay here," Cap ordered as he took off.

His superhuman speed helped him catch up to the teen girl. He grabbed her and held her to his chest to keep her struggles from advancing. She still tried to pull away.

"Sh, we're taking you home," Steve assured.

Ada continued to struggle and eventually elbowed him in the stomach to make him let go. She ran, with agents on her tail. Steve then began to run after her, surpassing all of the agents. He caught up to her and grabbed her wrist.

She pulled and even started hitting him to get away. However, one of the SHIELD agents saw a chance and shot a tranquilizer at her. It hit her right in her arm. She widened her eyes as she gripped to Steve to try to stay up. This failed for her, and her grip slipped as she sank to the floor. The room began to spin as black clouds came into view.

The last thing she saw were the colors red, white, and blue.

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