Chapter 5

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Ada had been living in Malibu for probably a week, when she got a phone call from Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen asked for her to be in the audience on a certain day and even played for her ticket and everything. She didn't know why until she saw who sat in the other chair.

It just so happened that that night she was interviewing a certain Jackson Akins. Ada studied his features closely.

His hair had been cut shorter, he looked more grim and muscular, but in his eyes, the same caring look he gave her was there, mixed in with a little bit of sorrow that must have accumulated since she left. It took all of her being to not rush up there and hug and kiss him.

Ada now knew Ellen had something up her sleeve.

"So, Jackson, we're going to do a little game," Ellen explained.

"Alright, cool," Jackson smiled, but it wasn't the one he had given Ada all those years ago.

It held some pain behind it, as if there was one thing in the entire world that he wanted, but wasn't in his grasp.

"So, I'm going to put up some pictures of videos of people you have known, had relationships with, or worked with, and you have to say their name, age, where they are now, and how you know them," Ellen stated.

"Okay?" Jackson was slightly confused at this notion.

The first picture was of his sister.

"Oh, that's easy. That's my sister, Valerie, she's in college now, and she's 18," Jackson rattled off.

Then, another one came up of a baby.

"This is easy! That's Dave Franco as a baby, he's an actor, and he's just a few years older than me," Jackson answered.

Then one of a curly headed boy with dark skin came up.

"Oh, that's, um, Corbin Bleu as a kid. He acted in High School Musical with me. He's 25 years old and he's still acting," Jackson stated.

"Okay, you're doing good, now for the next one, I think it's time we do a past relationship," Ellen smirked.

Instead of a picture, a video came up. It was of Jackson and Ada at the cove so many years ago. Everyone quieted down to hear.

"Ada! You're doing it!" Jackson smiled as the camera turned to Ada surfing.

Ada remembered this was the first time she surfed after the accident.

Ada let out an excited scream as she eventually came to shore. She picked up her board and ran over to Jackson. The two shared a kiss, and Ada dropped her board to hug him as he moved to kiss her forehead.

"I'm so happy for you," Jackson smiled at her.

The video cut off and the crowd made an awe sound, but stopped as they waited for Jackson's reaction.

"Do you know who that is?" Ellen asked.

"Yeah, yeah I do," Jackson tried to keep himself together.

His jaw clenched. Tears brimmed at the corners of his eyes. He lifted his hand up to cover his face. He sat a moment with his head in his hands and then sat up.

"I can still remember how beautiful and sweet and caring she was, but she could get with you if needed. Even her name is beautiful: Adalene Rhett Maria Stark, but she liked to be called Ada. She was born in France, but moved to America. When her mom died she lived with her dad, Tony Stark. I met her when she turned 15. We dated. She was the best woman I've ever met. She was funny, charismatic, loving, and beautiful, and she would always put others before herself. I loved everything about her, every imperfection, every laugh, every moment with her was amazing. She wasn't just a past relationship, she was my everything. She would be 20, but s-she died a long time ago."

"No she didn't," Ellen spoke.

"Ellen, no offense, but she died. They never found her," Jackson was on the edge of breaking into tears.

"Yeah they did. Ada, get up here," Ellen shouted.

"What?" Jackson muttered and stood up and looked around wildly.

Ada stood up in the audience, and the audience cheered loudly. Ada smiled at him. Jackson's eyes met hers. She made her way to the bottom of the stairs only to be met by Jackson wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. Ada cried into his chest, and he cried into her shoulder. He buried his face into the nape of her neck and held onto her tightly. He pull away and looked at her, not sure she was real.

"Is it really you?" he asked.

Tears slowly started to trickle down his face as his eyes took in every inch of her. Ada nodded.

"Surprise..." she spoke in a choked voice.

He embraced her in another hug. He held on, as if he let go she would disappear.

"Alright that's all the time we have today, and I think Ada and Jackson have some catching up to do," Ellen spoke to the audience.

Jackson quickly grabbed Ada's wrists and took her to his dressing room. The minute the door closed, he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. His lips moved hungrily against hers, obviously missing the feel of her lips against his. The two pulled away.

"We can't be doing this," Ada muttered.

"Why not?" Jackson asked.

"I'm just a kid. Jackson I hate to break it to you, but I didn't age like you. I've been experimented on and they froze me so I wouldn't age,"  Ada weakly spoke. "I'm still 15."

"That doesn't matter to me. I can wait. I just want you and only you," he passionately explained. "Ada, I need you."

"I can't destroy your career like that," Ada shook her head.

"But your birth certificate said you were born in the nineties, making it all legal," he argued.

She opened her mouth, but was cut off.

"Look, it doesn't matter. You're here now, and that's all that matters. I just need you..." He interrupted as he pressed a light kiss to her forehead.

"We can figure this out," Ada smiled.

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