Cap 🍑 is calling...
Hey, Cam. How's it going?
Oh, hey, Chris. I didn't look at the caller ID before accepting the call. I'm doing okay, how about you?
I figured. I'm doing good right now, just got back from walking Dodger actually so I'm feeling pretty refreshed right now. How's Los Angeles treating you this time around?
Well, considering I've only been here for a matter of hours and don't actually have anything planned until tomorrow afternoon, I'd say it's pretty chill right now. But we all know that feeling never lasts in our line of work.
Amen to that. How was the flight?
Well... by the end, it definitely had me questioning whether I really wanted a kid of my own after listening to someone's toddler throw a fit the whole way.
I know that feeling all too well.
So... are you and your ex back on talking terms now? I mean, I saw her commenting on your recent posts so I just assumed you'd sorted it out.
What? No. I haven't talked to her at all, so that's a definite no. Anyway, how's your work going? Got you missing those Marvel days?
Oh man, I'm always going to miss those Marvel days. Work is going okay - we hit a technical snag the other day that's delayed filming a bit but hopefully we'll be able to catch up and wrap within the original deadline.
Damn, that sucks but I'll cross my fingers for you. I remember you saying how much you hated when things didn't stick to the deadlines first proposed-
Only because I used to book projects closer together - now I'm trying to do things at a more chill pace so I don't stress myself out. The way you've been working recently, it seems like something that'd benefit you too.
Oh, ha, ha. So funny. This is a one off mad rush, and I really don't plan on repeating it again anytime soon.
I would say 'try having a Marvel schedule' but you've already done that before so... (*Laughing softly*)
Oh yeah, that schedule is killer. Especially on the bigger projects. Makes me so glad that I was only a background character or small role. Don't get me wrong, I loved working with such a big franchise, and the fanbase it kinda brought me into is amazing, it's just a lot compared to what I'm used to from my other roles. Most of the fanbases for the things I'm in reference characters and actors in general but focus more on the wider project as a whole, but Marvel fans really analyse everything and everyone gets their own little spotlight shone on them, even the smaller roles.
Hey, you okay? You've gone all quiet on me.
Yeah, just listening.
You make it sound like I'm talking too much.
No, you're fine. I kinda enjoy hearing you go off on a tangent when you get really into a subject.
Oh... well, I guess you heard a lot of ranting about random subject while you were here then.
Yeah, but I didn't mind. Even when I didn't know anything about the subject, I just liked listening to you passionately explain your viewpoint and why you believe in it.
Now you got me all awkward and blushy - stop it.
(*Laughing*) I'm sorry.
No, you're not.
No, you're right. I'm not sorry.
You're annoying. On that note, I should probably get off the phone and figure out what to make for dinner or I'm going to starve to death.
You love it. But, fine, I'll let you go and get on with that. Talk to you later on, yeah?
Yeah, I'll probably text you later on tonight or tomorrow morning looking for ideas to occupy my time.
I'll think of some in the meantime. Bye, Cam.
Bye, Chris
*Phone call ended*

Forelsket | Chris Evans ***ON HIATUS***
Fanfiction(n.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.