To: Sebastian Stan (😵)
Sebastian Stan (😵):
Hey, I heard you were back in LA again. Wanna meet up while I'm in the city too?Camden Blackburn:
Do I even have to guess where you found out that tidbit of information?Sebastian Stan (😵):
I could have found out from Instagram or online somewhereCamden Blackburn:
Yeah, "could" have but definitely didn't.
Anyway, yeah, I'd definitely be down to hang out
Just let me know when and where and I'll be thereSebastian Stan (😵):
I shall never reveal my source (even if you've already guessed it)!
How about tomorrow at that cafe we all met up at last time? Around... 11AM?Camden Blackburn:
Okay, yeah, I don't have anything to work around tomorrow so that works really well for me. I'll see you then 😁Sebastian Stan (😵):
Cool! 👌

Forelsket | Chris Evans ***ON HIATUS***
Fanfiction(n.) The euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.