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Camden hums along to the song Chris is playing via Bluetooth in the kitchen while he fixes setting up his tablet, having pressed the button to start the livestream while it was still in his hands and finishing the setup while people are tuning in. He waves hello to everyone that's been greeting him enthusiastically in the comments before leaning over carefully to grab his phone without dislodging Dodger from his place lying pretty much on Camden’s lap. Unlocking his phone, he glances up at the comments again.

"Yeah, I'm doing good. Thanks for asking." He grins. "How about you guys? How are you all doing?"

Replies pour in while he pulls up what he needs on his phone, and he gives them a cursory read over once he's finished fiddling with things. Now that he's properly ready to do the livestream, he decides to bring up why he's really doing it.

"Okay, so I know I don't go live that much, but I thought it was only fair I did it today because a lot of you guys have been sending me questions - a lot of questions - and I want to answer them properly here so I don't have to keep repeating the answers. I'm going to save this on my story for the next 24 hours but I know some of you will be recording it anyway so other people that don't have Instagram can watch it too." He takes a second to bring up his last post's comments, before also looking at the comments coming in on the livestream as they respond to everything he's already said. "Yes, you can ask questions here but I'm going to be starting off with questions from my last post so I'd say you're more likely to get your question seen if you send it to me once I've gone through the questions I've already been sent. It just prevents repeated questions. I'm going to be going through them quickly and not reading usernames, so I'm sorry if you were hoping for a shoutout through this."

With that said, he begins to read out and quickly answer some of questions he's received.

"'Are you playing the piano upside down?' Yes, I was."
"'Why exactly are you in Boston?' I wanted to do something spontaneous and Chris came up with the suggestion so I came to Boston."
"'Chris Evans took this?' He did - both of the pictures, actually. He's definitely a multi-talented guy."
"'Since when were these two hanging out?' We've known each other for a couple months now. As for hanging out - since 3-ish days ago. I'm actually staying with him right now."
"'How did that stool not fall over when you did that?' I've had more than enough time to practice it. It rained for a few hours the day after I got here so we were just doing random things to pass the time, including me figuring out if I could play that piano upside down."
"'Hey, are you still single?' For now, yes."
"'Did you really just ignore your ex girlfriend?' Yes, I did ignore her. I've mentioned it in the past but neither of us are - usually - the type to stay in contact with our exes. I know I'm definitely not like that, so I have pretty much cut contact completely with Alexis at this point. I honestly don't know why she's still contacting me since that's not been her style before."
"I'm seeing a lot of repeated questions here so this will be last one from here. 'When do you go home again?' In a few days? I don't really have a time frame in mind since I drove here and can leave whenever, but it'll probably be soon."

Now that he's "finished" with those questions, he turns his attention to the ones that people have been sending him while he was doing the other quick-fire questions. There's a decent range of topics so he picks a question randomly.

"Okay - starting on questions from the stream so far now. These comments are moving really fast so I'm sorry if I don't see or answer your question." He pulls an awkward face, copying the emoji, before getting to it. "First up, Emily - I think that's what your username said your name was - wants to know what my favourite tv show is right now? Ooo, that's a tough one." He takes a moment to think about it, absently stroking Dodger. "I genuinely don't think I have an ultimate favourite right now. I've got a couple shows that I watch but I'm not that into them that missing an episode here or there bothers me that much."

Dodger shifts in his lap just as he gears up to find another question to answer, causing Camden to tear his gaze away from the flowing comments section to see what the dog is reacting to. However, he smiles in greeting when he sees Chris coming over with a drink for him and a treat for Dodger.

"Here, thought you could use this." The older man remarks as he hands over the drink before reaching down to pet his dog on Camden's lap. "And you get this because you're a good boy."

"The best boy." Camden agrees after sipping his drink and placing it down out of the way, scratching the dog on the head - much to Dodger's delight. He turns his attention back to Chris then. "Do you want to join me?"

Chris smiles but shakes his head. "Thanks but I'm preparing dinner so I'm going to have to pass."

"I could just move to the kitchen." Camden shrugs, not bothered by the change of venue if that's what Chris wants to do.

"No, it's okay, stay here." Chris waves off the suggestion.

"If you're sure.." Camden trails off, giving Chris a last chance to change his mind before shrugging when Chris just motions for him to go back to his livestream while the other man gets up and begins making his way back to the kitchen, Dodger dutifully following his owner. "Okay, fine. Thanks for the drink." Camden calls after him.

"You're welcome!" Chris calls back, making the younger man smile as he turns his full attention back to the livestream. "Okay - back to your questions. I didn't catch the username but someone wanted to know where I'm from. I was born in California, and I moved to New York a while ago now and that's where I call home now. "

He continues to work through questions that people are sending him, watching the time on the livestream so he knows how long he's got left. Chris pops in a couple times when he's not busy keeping an eye on the food, but otherwise it's just Camden and Dodger when the dog joins him again. Once it starts getting close to the hour limit, he begins wrapping it up.

"So, it looks like it's time for me to sign off soon. It's been cool catching up with everyone and answering all your questions. Umm..." He trails off as he reads some of the responses, before regaining focus to finish the livestream. "Yeah, so I'm going to go now. Thanks for tuning in and watching this Q and A stream, I appreciate your support and love. See you later, everyone." He waves to the camera, watching as the numbers begin dropping as people also begin to leave since it's clearly over, before pressing the button to end the livestream with one last smile. Once the camera is off and the screen of his tablet goes dark, he hugs Dodger with a happy grin, the dog licking his cheek and wagging his tail in response to Camden's happiness. "We did it! That was fun. Thanks for being a little, mini cheerleader with your silent support, bud."

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