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Camden glances at the satnav one last time before driving his car carefully onto the driveway and parking next to the car already parked outside the house, huffing out a slightly nervous breath as he turns off the engine and takes the keys out of the ignition. He looks toward the house when he hears the click of the front door opening as he's stepping out of his car, smiling instinctively when he spots Chris making his way outside with Dodger in tow. Shutting the car door once he's out of the vehicle, he crosses the distance to meet Chris in the middle, hugging the other actor in greeting as Dodger paws at his leg.

"Hey, glad you made it." Chris smiles as he moves away, giving Camden the chance to crouch and greet Dodger.

The younger actor laughs as the dog licks his cheek and hands vigorously before patting the animal and standing to his full height again to answer Chris. "Yeah, so am I, honestly. For a second there, I thought that I was about to find out you'd sent me the wrong address or something."

Chris chuckles before motioning back to Camden’s car. "Do you want me to grab your bag while you take this one inside?" He finishes his question by motioning to the dog happily wagging his tail by the pair's feet.

"No, that's okay. Thank you for the offer, but I can get it. Let me just grab my bag now while we're on the topic," Camden waves him off as he turns back to the vehicle, heading to the trunk to get the single bag he brought with him before locking the car once he's done and putting his keys in his pocket. "Okay, lead the way, Mr Evans."

Chris rolls his eyes with a smile before motioning for Camden to follow him as he begins walking back to the house and leads them inside, shutting the door once Dodger's followed them in. Camden keeps his looking around to a minimum while following Chris, knowing he's got more than enough time to be nosy later and that it's more beneficial for him to know how to get to and from his room for the duration of his stay.

He pauses as Chris slows to a stop outside a door, watching the actor turn the handle before pushing it open and stepping out of the way while motioning for Camden to go ahead of him.

"Let me know if you need anything."

Camden hears after taking a second to look around at the room Chris has lead him too. It's way more beautifully decorated than his own room back in Albany, and definitely brighter. He turns to see Chris leaning against the door frame, watching him take it all in.

"Thanks, Chris." He smiles, moving to sit on the bed and placing his bag on the floor by his feet. "I'd honestly have been fine if you made me sleep on the couch. This room is so... calming."

Chris smiles, ducking his head. "Not sure I’ve ever heard anyone describe a guest room as calming before. I guess it was supposed to be neutral without making it seem clinical or boring."

"Well, I definitely like it." Camden reassures before getting up again and heading back towards Chris. "I can unpack the stuff I need on hand later. So, since you're officially my tour guide while I'm here, what's the plan for my first day here?"

Chris hums as he thinks before shrugging. "Have you eaten?" When Camden shakes his head, Chris continues. "So, how about I make us some food and we can figure out a game plan for today while we eat?"

Camden nods with a smile, motioning for Chris to lead the way again. "Sounds like a great plan."


Once lunch is over with and completely cleared up, they hook a lead on Dodger and leave the house together to take a gentle stroll around. Their plan is pretty simple - to do some very light sightseeing while walking the dog and leave the actual, proper sightseeing and exploring Boston with Chris for tomorrow.

"So... you've always lived here? In Boston, I mean." Camden speaks after a while, their previous line of conversation having reached a natural end.

"Kind of." At Camden’s confused frown, he chuckles before explaining. "I moved to Los Angeles on a more permanent basis but came here and got the house you're staying with me in while I was filming for Defending Jacob."

"So, why didn't you go back to LA?" Camden continues to frown in confusion. "Or stay there after the convention?"

Chris shrugs, "I wanted to see my family while I could so I continued renting the house until I leave for the next job."

"So, the stuff at that house...?"

"90% of it isn’t mine, no." Chris responds, nudging Camden with his shoulder as he begins smiling in response to the younger actor breaking out into laughter.

"Yeah, okay, I can believe that." Camden composes himself enough to answer. "You didn’t really seem like type for some of the decorations around the house but I figured it was just something you might not have mentioned during our calls and FaceTimes chats."

Chris laughs, shaking his head. "Oh, no, definitely not. I haven't really changed much that the owner put in, other than the sheets on the beds and replacing or repairing anything that's broken in the time that I've been staying there."

"Fair enough," Camden smiles before looking around. "I've got to say, I'm enjoying this trip already so thank you. If you hadn't made the suggestion and offered to let me stay with you, then I'd probably still be sitting back home wasting time doing nothing productive."

Chris seems like he's about to argue before looking at Camden and seeming to change his mind. Instead, he nudges the younger man with his shoulder. "You're welcome. Although, you're not the only one benefitting here - Dodger and I love the company."

Camden smiles, nudging the man in return before following Chris easily as the other man launches into a story about something Scott and he had done in between their last FaceTime and Camden’s arrival. He's definitely enjoying this trip already and it's only been a few hours.

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