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Hey, Chris!

Hi, Cam.

How are you doing?

I'm doing okay. What about you?

Yeah, pretty much the same.

So, how was your trip back to Los Angeles?

It was great to see Mikey and my brother again. I know I saw them in person a couple months ago, and that we text and Facetime all the time, but it's just a whole different experience to see them in person and spend time with them, you know?

Yeah, I get that completely.

Hey, so while we're on the topic of my trip, how come you went a little radio silent on me while I was in LA?

I figured you'd want to maximize your time spent with your friends and family -

Hey, you're my friend too.

Yeah, but you travelled all the way to Los Angeles to see them and it wouldn't be fair to hold your attention while you could be spending valuable time catching up with them. I don't know if that made sense but.. that was my thinking, at least.

No, I get what you mean. It's just, I wouldn't have been compromising time to text you back if you had continued conversations a little longer than you were doing. I mean, a lot of the time we were at one of their places, chilling in the same space but doing our own things so we could have had way longer conversations without any issue.

Really? I mean, everyone in your group was posting on Instagram a lot and on their stories, I just figured you guys were pretty busy packing in activities to do together.

Yeah, really. I was staying at an Airbnb, so I was alone during the evening the whole time; and there was even a whole day that I was on my own because everyone had other things to do - like work or on a day-long date.


So... Yeah. I actually tried to Facetime you that day but it just kept ringing and then saying that you weren't available.

Really? I swear that I called you in the morning that day?

You did but I was charging my phone to full charge so that we could do, like, a marathon Facetime. But, when I tried to call you to go through with that plan, I didn't have any success.

Oh yeah. I think I kind of gave up, thinking you must have been busy, so I agreed to help Scott with something and forgot my phone here.

Oh... So, our timing was just terrible that day.

Yeah, apparently.

*Small laugh*

So, umm... How long do you have home until you start work? It can't be long now, if I'm remembering our last conversation about it correctly.

Not long at all, actually. My flight is in four days - an early morning flight too, which is definitely not going to be fun.

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